CHAPTER:16 || Broken Deep Inside

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[A/N: You Guys Really, Really Need to Watch this Video... I HIGHLY Insist you all to Watch, What All Media Never Wanted Us to See and Still they Don't want us to see... The Real Michael Jackson... Who Cared SO Much for people, specially children across the globe, SO Unselfishly... True Angel....]


DECEMBER 25, 1987 (LA, California, USA)


"I never knew you loved children this much and they love you equally. There were literally tonnes of gifts for them, and the happiness in their eyes
when they saw you... Michael it's... I am at loss of words." She said holding my hands as her glittering eyes looked into mine.

"I just wanted to make Christmas special for them... in that hospital, you know. My heart breaks and it brings tears in my eyes when I see a child suffering. This was nothing, Mae. Nothing. They deserve the world. They are little angels." I said honestly for I was in so much pain when I saw those little kids in that hospital bed with all that suffering and pain. They do not deserve this pain.

"I know. You are an Angel too... for them. For me." She said gently placing her hand on my face, again making my heart flutter wildly.

"I am far from being any angel. I just try to give them what they deserve. I can see myself in them." I said in a low voice, standing up from my bed as I tried so hard not to let those burning tears in my eyes fall in front of her.

"Michael..." Her low voice trailed as she reached me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"You wanna tell something to me?" She asked me unsure as I didn't turned to her. Then I felt her resting both of her small hands on my shoulders from behind as she rested her head on my upper back. I froze completely at my place, my soul trembled at the sudden gesture as my breathing literally stopped. 

Her simplest touches tugs the strings of my heart like playing a melody on a harp.

"You know you can tell me anything and everything." She whispered, as she gripped my shoulders a bit. I gulped hard as my heart raced insanely. I then slowly turned around as I felt my vision becoming blurred and her face instantly painted with an expression of worry and sorrow.

I gently held her hands and lead her to the bed, sitting again.

I looked deep into her eyes as she never left my hands. "It's about myself. My childhood. It's about Joseph..." I said as I felt a single tear rolling down my cheek and I quickly wiped it with the back of my hand. She intertwined our fingers, holding my hands tight.

God... I've never felt so vulnerable in anyone's presence. I could honestly let go off every emotion I feel in front of her, not even thinking for once because I know she cares, she understands. Most of all she never judge me.

I know I can show my real and complete self to her.

"As you know, I've really never had a childhood. I've never experienced what it was like to be a child. It was work and work all the time. Not that I ever complain about my work. I love music more than anything. But being a child, I also wanted to play in the parks. I also wanted to go to the school for I was home schooled. I also wanted to have friends." I said as she looked at me with tears in her eyes which she tried to blink away.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now