CHAPTER:12 || Useless Doubts

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DECEMBER 4, 1987 (LA, California, USA)


It's been almost a week since that night she opened up completely to me. She told me everything about her that night. I saw the real Mae that night and God knows it means the world to me. She gained my trust and then she put her trust in me as well. However my heart broke into pieces when she told me that since she lost her family that day she has never celebrated her birthday.

I wanted to take away all of her sorrows. I wanted her pain to leave her life forever. 

I wanted her to be happy and I wanted myself to be the reason of her happiness.

"What are you thinking about, Joker?" Bill asked me as I was drowned into my thoughts, subliminally looking at my reflection at the tinted window of my car.

"I... um—"

"Wait... You were thinking about her, right?" He said giving me a quick look as he smiled while driving. My head whipped in his direction, then I turned my head looking out of the window again.

"Yeah..." I told him honestly for Bill was one of the very few people I trusted.

"Obviously." He chuckled. "Can I ask you something? If you don't mind." I simply nodded

"You like her. Very much. Right?"

"Bill, she's my best friend. Ofcourse I like her a lot and—" I looked at him as he was already giving me a are-you-serious look.

"If you don't wanna tell me it's fine. I was just asking." He said as he looked at the road still driving.

"What do you mean, Bill?" I asked looking at him, honestly confused.

"Michael, you know very well what I meant when I said you like her very much."

I couldn't speak for a while as realization hit me. I know there's something about her which just pulls me towards her for I am on my way to her home right now. I cannot deny that I want her with me everytime

"I... I do like her Bill. Very much." I then paused inhaling deeply.

"Bill, she is definitely not like others. There's something different about this girl. I want her to be around me every time. I want her with me every time. I need her with me every time. When she's with me it's like I'm not having any sorrows left. She has done something to me. I've never in my life felt the way I feel when she's around." I said it all almost in one breath as I felt my face burning like fire.

He chuckled a bit. "Don't you think you feel, what I think you feel." He said smiling at me.

"And what exactly do you think I feel?"

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