CHAPTER:69 || Unmasked

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I'm back! Hello to all! 😘❤️

My schedule is back to normal for the time! I'm so happy! I'll be able to write more now! Yay!!! 😄♥️

Here's your chapter. I hope you'll enjoy!


NOVEMBER 19, 1988 (Los Angeles, USA)

| MAE |

The rage and frustration in Michael's eyes were crystal clear and no matter what, I knew I couldn't do anything. Not now.

Abruptly he stood up, shaking his head frantically. "No. I won't let him run away!" He growled and the next moment he stormed away but almost immediately I stood up and reached him, holding his arm. "Michael, please."

"Please what, Mae?!" He yelled suddenly, making me flinch weakly. "Can't you see he's trying to run away after what all he did to us?! He was right in front of my eyes and I couldn't suspect shit!" My soul brimmed with fear at the way he was, at the way he was foul mouthing and it was more than enough for anyone to know that he was at the edge of his emotions.

"Woah there, easy boy. Easy." I heard Tito's voice and he stood up, reaching us. My extremely worried eyes looked at mom who was sitting completely blank, unable to understand her son's behavior, his outburst. Marlon, Jackie and Randy were looking completely lost too but didn't say anything.

"What in the hell do you want from Jermaine? What did he do?" Tito asked. Michael clenched his jaw as he tried to control his breathing. However, before he could've said anything at all, the door to the house burst open and my heart dropped to my feet when I saw Joseph Jackson coming inside. His cold, green eyes roamed around, observing every face before zeroing at Michael who refused to look at his father, not because he was scared, but because he was so livid he wouldn't be able to hold back.

"What is this chaos? What snake has bitten you all?" Mr. Joseph's cold, monotonous voice pierced through the silence.

"We have no idea. It's something about Jermaine." Randy said. "Mike's got something to do with Jermaine." He completed.

I clenched my jaw, cursing under my breath as I immediately held Michael's arm. Mr. Joseph reached the couches and settled there but his green eyes never left Michael. "What is it, boy?" He almost commanded.

I swallowed hard. Michael just kept staring at the space. I could see, I could feel how much he was trying to hold himself. Michael didn't say a single word and started to walk away. I never let go off his arm as I tried to hold him back but he just kept on walking.

"You dare step out of this house, boy!" His father's voice boomed behind us and my heart froze along with my complete body. My heart hammered against my ribs as I heard stern footsteps reaching us.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now