CHAPTER:41 || Numb

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AUGUST 4, 1988 (Los Olivos, USA)

| MAE |

Tears streamed down my face like a dam has been broken, just like my heart and soul were shattered into several uncountable pieces. My complete system was shaking with mind numbing brokenness as I felt like my consciousness would leave me at any moment.  I placed my hand on my chest, trying to breathe which seemed impossible at the moment.

So... So this is why he... he didn't called once, to ask about me... 

Because his mind and heart didn't thought of me for once... Because he...

"Mae! Oh my God! I was j--"

I raised my trembling hand, not wanting to listen a single word in that voice. That poison like voice which pierced my heart and soul.

"Mae, trust me I never wanted to do something--"

"Shut up! Just shut. Up!" My voice trembled as I managed to shout between my heavy breaths. I was unable to handle myself anymore.

What in the fuck she thinks of her self?! And just look at him. Sleeping so fucking oblivious of his surroundings. 

Think he was having the best sleep of his life as it was so obvious why this bitch of a woman was in his fucking shirt. Only his shirt, him lying shirtless next to her.

I didn't even wanted to see him under those covers.

"Mae..." I heard him mumble as he stirred in his place. His words, his voice, my name coming from his mouth ripped my heart all over again as I tried to wipe away the tears which were flowing endlessly.

"Mae? What--" He shot up sitting straight in the bed analyzing his surroundings. He looked at me then as soon as his eyes landed on Brooke he literally jumped out of the bed, looking all frantic, confused. He raked his hair, analyzing his surroundings, stumbling a bit holding his head.

He can surely win an Oscar. What an amazing actor.

"M-Mae... I... I don't... What is..." He stuttered all lost. Unable to form sentences, stepping slowly towards me.

I was stepping back, away from him with each step he was taking towards me.

"Mae, I-I don't know how we ended like this. It all just happened..." She said and his head whipped in her direction. His brows knitted together, mouth agape as his eyes carried the most cold and furious expressions I have ever seen.

"What in the hell are you SAYING?!" He shouted looking at her, his face was full of rage, confusion, shock and hurt.

"What am I saying?" She said with a frown and an expression of immense hurt on her face, as she stepped towards him. "What do you mean Michael? We spent an amazing night--"

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now