CHAPTER:61 || Broken Darkness

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Hello loves! 😊❤️

Long time no see? 😉

I was working on that project for Michael and it's finally done and posted on my Instagram with all the beautiful names I got. 🤧❣️

Anyways, I'm finally back with another update. I really hope you all will like it!

Off you go! ❣️


OCTOBER 27, 1988 (Auburn Hills, USA)

| MAE |

My hands gently massaged his scalp, my fingers roamed softly through his soft curls as I was sitting on the edge of the bed in our hotel room. My legs were crossed at his chest going from above his shoulders as he was sitting on the floor between my legs. 

"God, you're magic," he said under his breath, closing his eyes as he was absorbed in my relaxing touch. His hands gently rubbed my shins, as they were resting there. His touch was so soothing, electrifying my exposed skin as I was in my shorts.

Fingers of both of my hands then reached his temples, gently kneading them and he inhaled deeply feeling and looking so relaxed.

He then tilted his head upwards, looking at me upside down as he smiled so warmly, still rubbing my shins. My heart trembled and melted at the sight so perfect in front of me.

"What?" I asked as I cupped his cheeks so that my fingers gently caressed his chin as my wrists were at his temples.

He smiled wider. "Nothing," he said nonchalantly as his perfect brows furrowed ever so slightly. "I just love looking at my girl so much." he said still looking at me with so much love in his huge sparkling eyes.

I couldn't help but to lean down, capturing his lips upside down. Our lips moved so perfectly as his grip on my shins tightened a bit.

We pulled away and he stood up sitting besides me on the bed. "Thank you so much. All of my exhaustion from yesterday is nowhere to be found." He said in a lowly with a soft smile on his perfect lips as he brushed away a few strands of hair from my face.

Effortlessly, I got lost into the endless depths of his gorgeous brown orbs and placed a careful hand on his perfect face.

"You are so beautiful." I said almost in a daze as I admired my man. However, my lips were quick to curl up into a smirk when I saw his pink cheeks.

"What?!" He snapped playfully, making me laugh.

"Aww, look at my baby. He looks so cute when he blush!" I said teasingly, pinching his cheek and his eyes grew large.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now