CHAPTER:3 || Whatever Happens

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OCTOBER 20, 1987 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

Everything went silent.

When I gradually came back to my senses I was hyperventilating, shaking, my heart was hammering against my ribs. I was bending over with my hands over my head as my head just touched the steering wheel. The hat and glasses were no where to be seen.  And then I felt something over me. 

I slowly opened my eyes and my eyes grew larger than life as I saw Michael hovering me. Covering me. Using his body as a shield for me as I saw the front wind shield shattered into pieces and the car was smashed into a tree. The branch of the tree was entering through the broken glass, which he protected me from.

"Michael!" I shouted as I held on his shoulders to make him sit on his seat. He was sweating profusely, breathing heavily. His chest was rising and falling rapidly. I removed his mask. God knows where his aviators were.

He looked at me and tried to smile but failed miserably and clenched his jaws, closing his eyes real tight as he held his arm biting his lip as he hit his head a few times on the headrest. He was clearly in excruciating pain.

"Michael are you alright? Please tell me are you hurt?" I cried as I was going insane. He is crazy. He shielded me so I won't get hurt.

"I... g-guess." He was clearly in excruciating pain and my heart dropped at the way he spoke. And then I saw a tear rolling down the corner of his eye, breaking my heart.

I quickly exited the car going towards his side of the car to help him, as the branch was entering at my side and as I reached to open the door...


I noticed blood on my left hand as I reached to open the door. I quickly opened the door with my shaking hands and I examined his right side and noticed his red coat was torn at his shoulder, under which his black button up shirt was torn too and blood was oozing out.

 I quickly opened the door with my shaking hands and I examined his right side and noticed his red coat was torn at his shoulder, under which his black button up shirt was torn too and blood was oozing out

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