CHAPTER:24 || Conspiracy

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[A/N:The Legendary Performance he did, and stole the complete Award Ceremony with, proving he indeed deserved the awards... Michael Slaying Jackson.... They did that on purpose because since Thriller he was unstoppable... (Cowards)]


FEBRUARY 25, 1988 (Kansas City, USA)

| MAE |

The amount of love he receives from every corner of this world is simply a blessing for the God Gifted talent he is having. The number of faints per concert is in thousands every time. I am so amazed to see his effect on people. Just his presence alone is more than enough to make people lose their consciousness. I mean, I can understand and expect these reactions from females fans, but I am more than amazed to see grown up and masculine men screaming and fainting for him. He is simply magic.

He always work so hard for his fans. He always want to do better than before. He give his all when he is on stage. His passion, his dedication, words can never explain his love for his work and this is the reason he is rehearsing so hard for the Grammys.

He had two concerts back to back for 2 days, but still he has gone for rehearsals. He is so nervous and hopeful for the Grammys. I really wish his hardwork will be paid back in a fruitful manner. Because that's exactly what he deserves.

I was subliminally tapping my fingers on the warm mug of coffee in my hands, staring at my reflection on the slightly tinted window because of the evening sky, when the clinking sound drove my attention to the ring. I can never get tired of admiring this beautiful and precious symbol of our love he gave. I felt a smile making it's way on my lips when I recalled everyone's reaction when they saw the rings, specially Janet, Alice and Daniel. Their eyes were about to leave their sockets. They were all so happy when they saw the rings.

When I told Mr. Scott won't be coming for almost one year. He smiled and hugged me and wished me good luck for he knew about us. He also gave an alternative way to continue my job by preparing sample painting and e-mailing them to him. He said he would pay me like always. He is more than amazing.

Everyone is so happy for us. But ofcourse, there is always something bitter with sweet. His father was the only one who seemed unhappy. I don't even know why. When he came to know that Michael will be taking me on his tour he was totally outraged.

A sigh escaped my lips as I kissed my ring gently. However, my attention was caught up to the knock at the door of our hotel room.

"Yes?" I replied and the door creaked open and I saw the last person I wanted to see. I always feel so nervous and uncomfortable in his presence.

"Just wanted to say as long as you are not coming between his work there is no problem. Look, I did not wasted my complete life on these boys for nothing." He said in a cold tone his green eyes were having no emotions at all. I felt my heart racing inside my chest as my grip around the mug tightened. I gulped hard to contain my breathing.

"I really hope you know what it means to be with a man as famous as him. I am saying this again. I am having no problem with you, girl. Unless and until you are not coming in the way of his work." He said again before leaving the room. I released the breath I didn't even realized I was holding. I sat on the couch, putting the mug down as I rubbed my heated face with my hands.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now