CHAPTER:71 || Will the Pain End?

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Hello fam! ❣️❣️

Surprise!! 👻  I'm sure you all weren't expecting an update this soon! 😉

Also, I wanna say, life isn't happiest most of the times. It's a journey, it's a battle that we face everyday and that's what I wanted to express through my work.
How we—how people—try to remain happy and together despite all the hell and how we try to create our own heaven through every hell. ☺️

Anyways, off you go! 😘😘


NOVEMBER 19, 1988 (LA, California, USA)


Everything seemed like a blur. When we exited that room in the hospital, when we walked all the way outside towards our car. I could hardly register anything. The only thing that my completely numb mind could understand was: my girl was completely shattered. She was trying to hold herself so much with the way her breathing was so shallow that it hurt me.

However, as soon as we entered our car and I held her face, it was like a dam broke and she started to sob hysterically. Bill was quick to drive away to avoid any unnecessary chaos as people were starting to gather. I clenched my jaws as I pulled her to my chest. I closed my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her trembling being.

"W-What will I do?" She sobbed, holding me for dear life. "I... I cannot live without you." She sobbed, shaking her head. "I can n-never let him do that to you... to your image. I-I won't do what he told me to. I won't." I clenched my jaws as rage pumped through my veins. What kind of a father is that man? How could he do this to his own daughter?

"I... I swear I never w-wanted that to happen. I won't do what he told me to. I-I won't."

I pulled away just to hold her face. I wiped away her tears as she kept sobbing hysterically. "Look at me." My voice came out soft. All of my rage towards her, all of my frustrations were gone. My only concern at that moment was to hold her, be her strength. "Mae, look into my eyes." I said again as I brushed off her hair off her face. She slowly opened her eyes and looked into my eyes.

"We'll talk to Jedrek. He won't let anything happen to you. Trust him." I said and she shook her head. Sobbing brokenly. My heart ached.

"D-don't you understand?! I'm worried about you not me!" My heart filled with love for her. I swallowed, as I tried to hold myself. "H-He won't accept anything! He... He trapped us! He trapped you! He'll refuse everything! H-He will ruin your image. H-How will Jedrek help?" She sobbed through gritted teeth. More and more tears kept escaping her puffed eyes. That man has crushed every bit of hope she had.

"Mae, listen to me." We heard Bill's voice making us both look at him through rear view mirror. "Jedrek is with us. He's one fine detective. I am with you. I'll do everything in my power." Bill reassured us. He was still having strong links in police departments and I was sure he would do everything. She smiled weakly as she nodded.

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