CHAPTER:8 || Self-Oblivious

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NOVEMBER 11, 1987 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

Smiling wide I kept on driving because he was again and again asking me where were I taking him.

"I hope you ain't abducting me girl." He said trying to sound serious.

"Hmm... Maybe. Maybe not..." I teased him and he gasped placing his hand at his chest.

"Oh my God! No one even knows that I'm with you. I can see the headlines..." He fist his hand, placing it near his mouth like he was holding a mic. "Brrreaking Newwss! Pop singer Michael Jackson is missing and allegedly he has been abducted by a beautiful, innocent looking girl. Stay tuned for morrre..." He said in a deep voice mimicking the news readers.

I burst out loud into a fit of laughter. "Hey! Stay focused on the road!" He said between his angelic high pitched laughter.

"You are so pathetic! Over dramatic idiot!" I said between my laughter as tears came in my eyes. "How can I focus when you're being so stupid?!"

"Hey, stop blaming me! You are the one abducting me. Can't you see how scared I am?"

"Stop it!" I said as he would surely make me kill us both for I can't stop laughing.

NOVEMBER 11, 1987 (LA, California, USA)


As we kept on going, it seemed like we entered an isolated place. I've never seen this place before. She took an abrupt turn making her way from a narrow path between the woods. She simply kept on going.

I looked at her completely confused. "You sure we are not lost?" I asked looking at her.

"Shut up Michael!" She said giggling. "We're almost there." She informed me, smiling wide.

Merely a few minutes later a place started to become clearer. My eyes widened when I realized where we were. The car finally came to a halt and my hands instinctively went to set my disguise.

"Remove this." She said and I looked at her shocked.

"Mae, you know very well I can not do this, as much as I want to." I said looking at her with confusion for she knew it very well.

"Believe me. You don't need this here." She said confidently, smiling wide, placing her hand on my thigh. I blinked a few times before I removed my disguise completely, including the hoodie, revealing my red button up shirt.

 I blinked a few times before I removed my disguise completely, including the hoodie, revealing my red button up shirt

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