CHAPTER:25 || Unbearable

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MARCH 20, 1988 (Louisville, USA)

| MAE |

"You always work so hard. I am so so proud of you. You know that, right?" I told him honestly as we were in the plane to reach our next destination, just after his concert here.

He simply smiled, nodding as his head was placed on my shoulder as we were sitting on the couch of his sitting room in his jet. His one arm was wrapped around my stomach as fingers of his other hand was intertwined with mine. My mind was having a tornado of thoughts and I was feeling so nervous. But I have to give it to him.

I inhaled deeply, tightening my grip on his hand before placing a very soft kiss on his head and he sighed, nuzzling his face into my neck. He was so tired. He always work so hard and I'm extremely proud of him.

I then licked my lips nervously as my heart rate picked up slightly. "Michael, I..." My voice nervous and full of hesitation, making him sit straight, looking right into my eyes.

"What happened?" He asked concerned.

"Nothing happened. Just..." I inhaled deeply closing my eyes to calm my nerves. "Come with me." I said as I stood up from the couch and he furrowed his brows in confusion as he stood up with me, our fingers still intertwined.

We headed to the master bed room at the back of his private plane. I grabbed my bag reaching for the small box inside it. I again closed my eyes as I inhaled deeply before blowing through my mouth and turning to face his extremely confused face as he had a slight frown on his forehead.

His expressions instantly changed as he saw the box in my hands. His beautiful eyes lightening up with happiness, yet carried an expression so confused as a soft smile touched his lips. He then looked into my eyes curiously.

"I got t-this. Please, j-just open it." Damn I've never felt this nervous in my entire life. Hell, it was so obvious. It was the first time ever that I bought a gift for him

"Mae..." He said under his breath as he smiled so widely, taking the box from my hands. His fingers worked fast as he unwrapped the box. My heart thumped wildly as I fumbled my fingers, biting my lip.

A weak gasp left his lips as soon as he opened the box and saw what was inside that box before his eyes darted towards me, carrying so much love and admiration.

"I... I got these matching gold necklaces for us, to celebrate our 6 complete months together." I said as I felt my face becoming hot like fire. "Both are exactly the same, having the letter "M"in my handwriting, engraved on them."


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