CHAPTER:64 || Torment

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Hello dear fam!

As the end of our story is coming nearer I want to make sure I'm giving my best to these final chapters.
So bear with me! 😅❤️

Off you go!


NOVEMBER 18, 1988 (Los Olivos, USA )


I was pacing across the room as fast as my thumping heart and my insane breathing was. I looked at the clock for nth time as I raked my hair in utter frustration.

I came back home after midnight and expected her to be here, sleeping, like always but she wasn't, and my heart picked up immediately. I knew that she was supposed to go to her institution to give her sample paintings to Mr. Scott and that's all about it. I was trying and just trying to call her since I came back almost an hour ago but she wasn't picking up her phone.

I instantly called Alice, not giving a damn about what time it was and she sounded extremely weird, and told me that Mae was with Janet since last evening and so I called Janet.

She told me that Mae was with her and they went at the set of her photoshoot which I found a bit weird to be honest. But more than anything, I couldn't help but to notice the nervousness in her voice. I'm her big brother and no matter what, I know when something is wrong with her. I asked her to put Mae on phone and she couldn't say anything for a while which made my heart drop.

But then she told me that she was with her but then mother called and asked her if Mae could visit but deep down I felt that something was extremely off. Everything about this situation seemed totally off.

I called mother but no one picked up, which made my heart colder. I was constantly calling Mae but she was not picking up!

If she didn't pick up my call within a few minutes, I'm off my way to Hayvenhurst. I don't give a damn about anything. It was after midnight, I was trying to reach my girl since almost an hour and I was unable to reach her.

My blood ran cold.

"Where are you?" I muttered as I again tried to call her.



"Pick up, baby. Please..."



"Fuck it!" I almost yelled through gritted teeth as I sprinted towards the bedroom door. I was unable to wait anymore. However, I froze in my tracks when I heard the frantic voice of one of the maids.

"Mr. Jackson!... Mr. Jackson, sir!" I heard her frantic calls as she knocked at the bedroom door urgently making me rush towards it and as soon as I opened it my heart dropped further as I looked at her extremely pale face.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now