CHAPTER:17 || Confessions

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Honestly I was waiting for this chapter more than anything! I know you all were so eager for this too.

Off you go. *Squeals*


DECEMBER 28, 1987 (Rome, Italy)

| MAE |

Is this a dream? Almost two months back if someone would have said that this man right here, holding my hand, for whom I've fallen so damn hard, knowing that he feels the same, would be no one but 'The' Michael Jackson... I would have sent them to a psychiatrist.

If this really was a dream, then I wanted to sleep forever. These two days so far were the best days of my entire existence. When he was almost caught because of his beautiful, unique laughter despite of his disguise, when we were there in the Colosseum yesterday. The way we had to leave the place, was really a thrilling experience. His fans truly love him in every corner of this world equally. I mean they got suspicious just by his laughter! They even know the way he laughs? That was beyond imagination.

And it was still giving me goosebumps how he cleared that ice cream from my lips staring right into my eyes, piercing my soul. His thumb slowly caressed my lips as he did that.

And the huge punk he is. I mean he literally scared the crap out of me when he pretended that his hand got struck in the Mouth of Truth. I should have guessed he knew about it already. There he told me that he had never lied to me or he had never hide anything from me and he promised that he will never do that. I did the same. He is the only person knowing what exactly happened to my family except Alice. I feel so comfortable around Michael, I trust him so much that I told him everything and I am so glad I did that.

"What happened?" His sweet voice dragged me out of my trance as I felt him squeezing my hand gently.

"What?" I asked genuinely for I had not a single clue what questions his beautiful eyes were carrying for me.

"Are you alright?" he asked concerned.

"Yes. More than just alright." I said placing my other hand on his hand and a huge and beautiful smile spread across his face which he tried to stop with that lip bite of his.

That... Lip.... Bite...

"Can I ask you if you are ready for another flight? Well, we are leaving tonight."

My heart sunk for I didn't wanted to go back in like, just 2 days. He said we were going to spend a week here. Maybe he was having some work. Ofcourse! His album. Then shootings for his short films and then recordings, then tour rehearsals. How this man even managed to spend time with me?

"Ofcourse, I'll just pack the stuff. It's not much to do. Should I inform Mrs. Jackson that we are coming?" I asked picking up my phone just to be snatched by him.

"No! I mean... um... let it be a small surprise for them." He said hesitantly.


"Okaaay." I said standing up as he held my hand standing up himself.

"Are you happy?" He asked, his eyes full of sincerity and hope.

"More than I ever was." I said smiling at him sweetly as he held my hands in both of his for a while and then gradually left them just to hug me.


"Do not be afraid this time, when the plane will take off." I said patting his shoulder jokingly as he gave me a death glare.

"Ha ha! You are not so funny." He said narrowing his eyes and I pinched his cheek for he is so damn adorable.

"But Michael on a serious note we'll get a severe jet lag. My routine is already messed up."

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now