CHAPTER:28 || Like a Nightmare

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[A/N: Play the track.

Song Name: Much too Soon by Michael Jackson

Album: Michael (2010)]


MAY 8, 1988 (LA, California, USA)


"JANET!" I rushed towards her room as I saw my room and Mae's room empty when I came back from the shooting.

"Geez! Mike what's wrong?!" She said almost yelling as I darted inside her room.

"Where is Mae?" My voice frantic as I felt my heart hammering my ribs.

"Calm down, Michael. She told me she was going at Alice's. What's wrong? Why are you behaving like this?" I released the breath I was holding subliminally as I rubbed my heated face with my hands.

"Michael. Tell me what happened? You both are behaving so different since a few days."

"I-I don't know Janet. I really don't know..." I sighed exasperatedly. "Mae... She is behaving so distant and aloof lately. She isn't even telling me what's wrong with her. I... I am so scared Jan, so scared." She simply hugged me tight, reassuring my shattered soul.

"Michael, I don't know what's wrong with her. But what I know for sure is that she has loved you unconditionally and her love for you is so strong and so pure. If she is not telling you, there has to be hell of a huge reason. You have to find that out. And you know I am with you." She said looking at me and I simply nodded as I tried to collect my scattered thoughts.


Since I came back I wasn't feeling good at all. Something was not at all right. I've never been this restless and anxious in my entire life.

I called her for the 5th time in the past 30 mins and she still wasn't responding. Maybe they were having a great time. She hasn't even called me once. Didn't even texted me once. She was behaving so weird. So different.

It was around 11.45 pm already. How much time more she needs? I miss her. I need her.

Should I call Alice? And that's exactly what I did. I grabbed my landline and called her.

"Yes?" The soft voice on the other end was slightly sleepy and unsure. I frowned slightly.

"Hey Alice, it's Michael. I was just asking, when will you let my girl go? I mean, I really miss her. It's too late already." I said smiling, but my heart was already hammering in worries.

"Michael. What are you talking about?" She asked confused.

"Mae's with you isn't she?" I asked now alarmed. My smile immediately faded away as a deep frown formed at my forehead.

"No. I haven't seen her in a while."

I immediately broke out in a cold sweat. My heart sunk deep within the darkness inside of me which I was feeling since the complete day. My senses got numb.

I heard her faint voice before I hung up the phone, rushing immediately, calling Bill via my phone.

"Get the car ready. Now!" He didn't asked anything when he heard the fear and pain in my voice.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now