CHAPTER:72 || Final Discussion

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Hello loves! 🙋🏻‍♀️😘

Surprise again! 👻😁❤️
I'm happy to post this chapter!

I hope you'll like this!


NOVEMBER 20, 1988 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

Jedrek's eyes became harder than any stone, his face got painted with rage which he didn't even tried to hide and I could see he somewhat expected this.

Jedrek leaned front, placing his forearms on his table as he clasped his hands looking right at Mr. Jackson.

"You can't." He stated firmly. Mr. Joseph clenched his jaws.

"You don't understand! It's our family matter. It's better if we solve it at our own. Leave Jermaine." Joseph Jackson completed.

Jedrek scoffed, rubbing his forehead. "Let me make this easier for you, sir. He's committed some major crimes. Your son tried to kill Ms. Scarllette." Mr. Joseph frowned deeply at Jedrek's words. "Fraud, conspiracy, blackmailing, trying to kill someone." He then paused. "You see this isn't a simple family issue. And I'll make sure that Jermaine serves his punishment." Jedrek stated firmly.

Mr. Jackson scoffed and Michael looked at his father ever so slowly with an expression of utter hatred and disbelief.

I rushed towards him as I was standing behind them and held his shoulders firmly as he was sitting on a chair besides his father. I felt him inhaling deeply and then his hands held mine in a firm grip as he placed my hand on his face from his chest, then kissed my palm deeply. My heart brimmed with warmth.

His face was burning, his breathing was insane. I could feel how hard it was for him to hold himself. His father was unbelievable.

"I said, Mr. Detective that it is a family matter!" His father said again and Michael's grip on my hands tightened. I couldn't even imagine what he was feeling. His father wasn't being fair.

That's why Michael brought his father here. He wanted his father to know about what Jermaine did via Jedrek. He himself wasn't in a condition to confront Joseph Jackson so he brought him here.

Jedrek gave Mr. Jackson a challenging look. "And sir I told you Jermaine will serve his punishment."

"No Jackson will go behind the bars!"

"And what about what Jermaine did to Michael?!" Jedrek retorted instantly. "Mr. Jackson, sir, your family is a nobel family, you people are respected and loved across the globe and I am more than sure that you, as a father will not be unjust to your son, Michael, who indeed suffered and who indeed almost died along with the woman he loves."

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now