CHAPTER:40 || Heart Wrenching

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AUGUST 2, 1988 (Los Olivos, USA)

| MAE |

"I know Frank..." He sighed exasperatedly. "Don't get on my nerves." He said as calmly as he could.

"Are you kidding me boy?! We had to cancel all the editing procedure of your movie just because you are wounded and couldn't go to the studio and you are telling me to stay calm?! The work is piling up and we don't have time! If... only if you wouldn't have been so careless! You are playing with your career Michael!" He yelled pointing in some random direction before his eyes burnt as he looked at me.

"I hope Mr. Joseph will be calmer than I am. Because I know very well that you know how strict he is when it comes to your career! He has already warned you several times." Frank's cold gaze again looked at me and I gulped nervously.

"He or anyone else does not need to tell me what and how am I suppose to do things. My schedule is going perfect. I have covered more than what was planned to cover till now. I am going ahead of my schedule so you and Joseph need to calm the hell down!" He told him stepping closer to him. "My work is my everything. It's my priority. I want to give my very best and I am giving my everything to my work. I know that!"

"So, correct your information boy! Because from where I am looking, you are not giving your everything to your work. And it's a fact Michael!" He said dismissing the argument and walking away.

Michael inhaled deeply raking his curls before sitting on the couch.

I gulped hard as there was this huge storm of every possible emotion inside me. My vision blurred with tears of anger and I immediately stood up heading towards our room.

I heard him calling me but I just kept on walking.

"Mae! Mae listen to me please..." He called as he entered the room after me. I didn't look at him as I simply settled on the couch.

"Mae, don't do this please, baby. You haven't talked to me since I came back last night." His low and painful voice said as he held my shoulders. I closed my eyes and these goddamn tears escaped my eyes.

"Look at me please. Don't cry. Talk to me, love, please." He said wiping my tears but more kept on flowing. Frustrated, I stood up without saying a word.

"Mae pl--" His cry of pain made me freeze on my tracks as I whipped around to look at him.

"Michael!" My voice trembled as I headed towards him as he sat there holding his torso. His eyes were squeezed shut as he clenched his jaws in pain.

"Why are you moving this much? Your wound is still fresh." I cried as I held him, making him lean back on the couch. "Let me change your dressing..." I said as I stood up wiping my tears.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now