CHAPTER:58 || Tender Touch

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SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 (Pittsburgh, USA)

| MAE |

We're sendin' out a major love
And this is our message to you (message to you)
The planets are linin' up
We're bringin' brighter days
They're all in line waitin' for you
Can't you see?
You're just another part of me
Another part of me

We're taking over
This is the truth, baby
Another part of me

As he finished the song, the crowd roared louder than ever.


His fans were chanting this over and over again, encouraging him. He was wearing his sling while performing. Although he matched it with his tour costume but it was so obvious that he was injured.

In the beginning he informed his fans that his shoulder got dislocated when he fell during his rehearsals.

Bill took care of the chaos that was caused earlier that dreadful day. He convinced any people from press that reached them, that one of the team member got severely hurt and then everything else was fabricated.

My man is such a strong man. I insisted him so much, his family insisted him. But no, he refused to cancel another show and here he was performing.

I saw him reaching towards me. As he was injured so he was taking break after every song. Well, I insisted and he agreed.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" I asked hugging his sweat drenched, heated body tight as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Great! Simply amazing!" he said smiling wide as pulled away. I admired him as a soft smile touched my lips as I caressed his sweaty face.

"You are such a strong man. I am so proud of you." I told him honestly and he blushed making me giggle.

"Aww, look at you! You look so cute when you blush!" I teased, pinching his cheek.

His eyes grew large. "Geez! I'm not! I never blush." he said defending himself and I laughed even more.

We headed towards his dressing room for his 15 mins break.

I was simply admiring him as he settled on the couch and drank water, or rather chugged water.

I was simply admiring him as he settled on the couch and drank water, or rather chugged water

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