CHAPTER:6 || Bitter-sweet Happiness

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NOVEMBER 10, 1987 (LA, California, USA)


We were walking at the sidewalk admiring the city after we left her house as I put on my disguise and hood before leaving.

"So, what you wanna eat?" I asked her in almost a whisper cautious of people around.

She shrugged slightly. "In n Out maybe."

"Or KFC?" I looked at her through my shades, just to see her looking at me smiling wide.

"Michael, why you asked if you wanted to go there already?!" she asked still giggling, shaking her head.

"I thought maybe you would say KFC too."

"And why's that so?" She asked as she kicked a small pebble while walking.

"Because... they are the best." She stopped, putting her hands at her hips, frowning and mouth agape as if surprised.

"What?!" I asked smiling wide and biting my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"This phrase will never leave me. Alice is always like this about Starbucks!" She said crossing her arms at her chest as she started to walk again, stomping a bit and I laughed at how adorable she was looking. The wind was blowing her slightly wavy hair every now and then as she was struggling to keep them perfect.

"Well, we can go there. I've not tried them in like, ages." She said smiling at me so sweetly I subliminally held her hand as I started to run dragging her behind me.

"Oh God! You're such a kid!" She said laughing out loud.


"No flavor is better than chocolate." I said eating my ice cream as we were sitting under this huge tree which was quite isolated from other people, in this huge park.

"Nah uh. Strawberry forever." she said raising her ice cream cone a bit in the air.

"Well how can you say? You've never even tried chocolate before." I challenged as she told me earlier.

"Well I can try, right now." She said holding my hand which was quite near to my mouth, in which my ice cream was. She then leaned closer taking a bite from it and she was so close that something so strong erupted inside me. Like there was an explosion inside me because of this gesture of hers, because of the sudden closeness. I couldn't help but to stare at her blankly with my lips parted at this unexpected action, looking at her tasting the same ice cream I was eating.

"Hmm. Not bad. At all." She said nodding her head slightly as she closed her eyes taking in the flavor, then she looked at my blank face and I released the breath I was holding subliminally.

"What? If you are oblivious, then there's a thing called sharing." She said sarcastically, raising her eyebrows at me.

"No. I... It's... It's just I've never shared like this with someone, ever before." I said trying to look her deep eyes, to find out what was so unique about her that made her so different from others.

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