CHAPTER:10 || Sweet Frustrations

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NOVEMBER 28, 1987 (LA, California, USA)


"I LOVE YOU!" I said at the end of the show like always and the Fans screamed and roared even more but I could clearly listen they said WE LOVE YOU MORE! Words can never explain how much I love and adore my Fans. They are so precious.

I waved and blew kisses before leaving the stage.

"That was absolutely brilliant like always Mike." Frank said side hugging me. Then the other team members came and we all cheered like always after the show.

"You coming for the party?" Frank asked me.

"I would've loved to but I have to be somewhere else. I am so sorry." I said all apologetic for I didn't liked turning him down but that other thing was worth everything in this world.

"Well, that doesn't sound good. But hope you have a good time." He said winking and I smile at him before walking ahead as my eyes searched for her like always after every show we did here. I kept on walking but she was nowhere.

I frowned in confusion. She came here with me, before the show even started. She greeted me like always before I went on stage. But where is she now? She was nowhere to be seen.

"Frank?!" I turned and called him. Maybe he knows?

"What happened buddy?" He came blowing his cigar.

"Where's Mae?" I asked him trying not to look too worried which in actual, I was.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her since your last few performances." He said shrugging slightly, blowing the smoke. I nodded slightly before leaving for my dressing room.

Did she left? 

Did she really left? 

She knew I had planned something for us. How could she do this to me? Where has she gone? Was something wrong? 

I was going crazy. There was a storm of thoughts inside my head.

Restless, I picked up my phone as soon as I entered my dressing room and called her. 

Once... Twice... Thrice...

"What the hell is wrong?!" I almost shouted for she was not answering my calls.


He must know where she is. I quickly called him.

"Bill. Bill wh—"

"I know, Joker. I know. Calm down. Freshen up yourself, change your clothes and I'm sorry to say but your plan will have to wait, for almost... an hour or so."

"What! Why? Is everything alright? Arrangements are done right?" I asked in complete confusion as worries started to engulf me.

"Woah! Calm down buddy. Just get ready and then come to the car. I'll be there in twenty minutes." And he hung up.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now