CHAPTER:62 || The Plan

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Hello again fam! 😄❣️

There's too much College work and I apologize for the late updates. 😥

But here is your chapter. I hope you will like and enjoy. ❤️❤️


NOVEMBER 14, 1988 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

Today was not less than any mission for me.

With a thumping heart and my nerves wrecked, I was sitting as patiently in our car seat as I could.

After I had that discussion with Alice and Daniel, I called Janet and explained everything to her. But we needed help from someone else too, and that person had a very important part for our plan to work.


I was thinking of throwing a party anyways to celebrate Michael's major success over his movie Moonwalker for which he had worked so hard. However, I had modified somethings for the sake of our plan. When we came back to LA almost a week back for his concert here, I told Bill that I wanted to arrange a party and he took care of the venue and arrangements. I wanted to take care of all of the expenses but Michael being Michael— translation: extremely stubborn— didn't let me do that and helped me with the expenses.

When we came back, I along with Jan and Alice talked to LaToya in Hayvenhurst and convinced her to invite Brooke Shields at the party as Toya was the one who was close to Brooke before that incident took place. Well, Janet may or may not have threatened her to do so when she started to question because our relationship with Brooke was extremely distorted after that night. Janet can be very persuasive and kind of scary, and was I proud? However, it was the only way for us to catch Brooke and talk to her. But what LaToya didn't know about was our star guest.

But Michael ofcourse didn't knew anything about this plan or else he would've never let me do this. He was extremely protective, especially after what all we've been through. But ofcourse he knew about the party.

I blinked several times when I finally noticed him clicking his fingers in front of my face to snap me out of my deep thoughts. I turned to face him where he was sitting next to me in the backseat of our car. He was having a confused expression on his face but a very small smile on his lips.

"Thinking about something more interesting than me, Ms. Scarllette?" He asked making me roll my eyes as I snorted smiling wide.

"Cocky and cheesy. Exactly what I do not like." I said narrowing my eyes playfully and he raised both of his perfect brows.

"Hmm. But unfortunately you are marrying this cocky and cheesy man and guess what?" He leaned a bit closer biting his lip. "You don't even have any escape."

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