CHAPTER:30 || Excruciating

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MAY 15, 1988 (LA, California, USA)


"Have you got the list of her phone calls? I mailed it to you last night." My tired voice asked Detective Jedrek as I was standing near the window looking subliminally at my reflection, pinching my forehead. I was feeling so weak and exhausted. I was constantly thinking about the ways to get her back every single second.

"Yes Mr. Jackson. Thank you so much for your help. Her number is a private number, you know and we don't have any time to waste. With your permission and help it was easier as you can see. I've already started working for the information of her calls and messages. I've got my team to trace her phone. I am really hopeful and positive."

I sigh in relief. "Thank you so much. I am just coming in 30 mins."

"Don't worry I asked for a week. I keep my promises." I sighed as I hung up and immediately I heard a knock at my door.


"Joker, there's this box and envelope for you." Bill said entering the room. "But there's no name or address. I am not getting this straight." I furrowed my brows in utter confusion as I grabbed the envelope and tore it open.

A printed note?

Calm the hell down. Just simply forget about her or else she is dead. By the way your choice is amazing. She is so sexy... soft... and tasty...

Those words left me breathless. Completely breathless. I was seeing completely red. My heart, my complete body, they were shaking with pure rage as my eyes burnt with tears.

My heart hammered my ribs vigorously, my breathing was shaky and extremely ragged as I grabbed the box and with shaking hands I tore the paper, wrapping it.

"No..." My shaky voice came out as completely breathless whisper, as I shook my head frantically as soon as I opened the box and it immediately fell from my trembling hands as my complete body felt completely lifeless. I started to step backwards, shaking my head and breathing heavily, feeling sweat rolling down my forehead already as my eyes brimmed with tears.

"NO!" My clenched fist met the window really hard breaking the glass into pieces.

"Michael! Hold yourself man!" Bill said rushing towards me.

There were... Her clothes inside that box...

"No, no, no! This can't be true! This can not happen! No. Please NO!" My trembling voice was so full of rage as yelled. I was hyperventilating, holding my chest trying to breath, sweat was rolling down my heated face. I didn't even knew what to do with myself at the moment.

"Oh my God, Michael wh—" Janet gasped covering her mouth with her hands as she saw her clothes. "Michael..." 

I closed my burning, teary eyes tight, clenching my fists and I felt blood dripping from my wounded hand. "I couldn't protect my love..." My quavering words escaped through my gritted teeth as my breathing became shallow. "If-If anything happens to her. I'll k-kill every fucking one of them." I declared as I felt a single tear escaping my burning eyes. I sprinted towards the door with the note in my fist.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now