CHAPTER:22 || Can't Hurt

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FEBRUARY 13, 1988 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

After a really long day at the institute, I was just lying on the couch in the guest room, watching TV. I couldn't even remember when was the last time I watched TV. However, then suddenly my heart dropped, sinking deep, the heaviness felt like a huge mountain was crushing my heart.

"Jackson's Secret Lover? A girl is spotted several times with a man who is supposedly Michael's chief bodyguard. We couldn't get her clear picture yet, but she seems to be a white girl with dark brown hair. We are trying our best to get more solid information about this.

But the real question is...

Does Michael Jackson really love her? She do not seems to be any celebrity, that's for sure. After his dramatic break up with the love of his life, Brooke Shields; as Jackson quoted her several times. He wasn't spotted with any other girl before this girl. Could this girl be a back up for him to recover from his break up with Brooke? Could this girl, just be a shield to keep his love life with Brooke a secret?

So many questions. So many twisted secrets in the life of world's most famous yet so secretive celebrity—Michael Jackson.

Stay tuned for the updates."

My eyes got stuck to the TV screen as it became impossible for me to move. My mouth was agape and my face was on fire. I couldn't even blink. It took me a several moments to actually take that all in. 

Was that even true?

Was that some kind of a nasty joke?

I wished that to be a nightmare. These media fuckers can never leave him alone! Never. There was a huge storm of emotions burning inside my chest. My head was pounding so hard I was able to hear the pounding in my ears. The insane beating of my heart surely faster than the ticking of the clock, cutting through this cold silence.

A back up?

A shield?

Who the fuck do they think I am? How dare they portray me like that? If I am not filthy rich that gives no one the right to conclude our relationship in such a disgusting manner.

My complete self was burning with rage. I felt my eyes blurring with hot tears of rage and restlessness.

I just wanted him. I needed him.

Right now.

More than anyone and anything.

FEBRUARY 13, 1988 (LA, California, USA)


"Calm the hell down buddy! Relax and then think. You are taking decisions with your heart not with your mind, Michael!" Frank yelled pointing at me with anger.

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