CHAPTER:47 || Our Love, Our Day

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A/N: I am back with another chapter for my amazing readers!

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A/N: I am back with another chapter for my amazing readers!

Thanks alot for your patience. Here's this update.

Off you go! Love you all xxx



AUGUST 21, 1988 (Würzburg, Belgium)


She snuggled more into me as we remained sitting in the same position, making me press my lips against her head repeatedly. My heart was pounding wilder than ever as I held her so close to me, after going through so much for several empty days and painful nights.

She sniffled every now and then as I kept on caressing her hair softly. She then lifted her head, looking at me with her red, puffy eyes. My heart broke as I saw nothing but pain and vulnerability in her beautiful eyes, which once used to shine with happiness.

"I missed you so much." She whispered as her hand reached for my face, gently caressing my cheek.

My heart brimmed with every possible emotion. But I was still heartbroken. I was still hurt like never before.

As no words could leave my mouth I simply pressed my lips against her forehead, telling her I acknowledged her words.

She continued to look at me with tears in her eyes and my heart kept on breaking. A tear rolled down her face as she kept on looking into my eyes. She caressed my face gently and it took everything inside of me to hold back my tears.

She gulped hard. "I love you," she whispered as more tears filled her eyes. My heart trembled wildly hearing those words from her after so many painful days.

"I love you so much, Michael." She said again as a weak sob escaped her lips. My vision became blurred as a result of tears that manged to fill my eyes and I tried my very best to blink them back. But I just couldn't, as I felt a tear escaping my eye. My emotions were scattered all over.

"I love you," I managed to say through my clogged throat as I felt like exploding at any moment due to all of the emotions I was feeling.

She held my face in her small hands, looking right into my eyes. "I trust you." She told me. Her words made me lose control of every emotion and I clenched my jaws, closing my eyes tight. Few more tears escaped my closed eyes making me squeeze my eyes tighter.

"Please look at me, please." She sniffled as she caressed my face. My grip around her tightened a bit as I opened my eyes.

"I-I know, I made you t-think I never trusted you," she started as we looked right into each other's eyes.

"But you need to k-know I have always trusted you... More than anything and everything..." She whispered brokenly. I shook my head weakly, looking away from her because what she did was totally opposite of what she was telling me.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now