CHAPTER:33 || Break of Dawn

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[A/N: Play the track.

Song Name: Break of Dawn by Michael Jackson

Album: Invincible (2001)]


JULY 6, 1988 (Los Olivos, USA)


The shine in her deep beautiful eyes, failed every light here in Ranch when she saw it. Every expression on her flawless face, the never fading smile on her face, the excitement in her voice. I can never forget the expressions on her face when I gave her the master keys telling that she would be the first person to open the house after it has been completed. We spent the complete day touring the ranch.

"Michael this is like a dream. The most beautiful dream." She said as we finally exited the amusement park after trying every ride.

"It is indeed my dream. It's my dream I always wanted to live. Which I never got when I was a child." A soft sigh escaped my lips as I looked around our home. God knows how much I mean it when I say our home. She is the only one for me.

And for the 100th time we both looked up at the dark, evening sky thickened with black clouds, as thunder winked in the sky again, clouds roared yet again before the drops started to fall, soon turning into a heavy rainfall.

"Goddammit! Run!" She said as she tried to run, holding my hand but I resisted her.

"Don't you love rain?" I asked as we were both getting drenched now.

"Michael we will get sick." She giggled as I pulled her to me, wrapping an arm around her perfect waist as my other hand was intertwined with hers.

"Just enjoy this with me." I said as I held her hands pushing her and twirling her around before pulling her back to me. Her back was firm against my front as my hands held hers, my palms were resting at the back of her hands, our fingers intertwined, our arms crossed, resting at her stomach, as I wrapped her in my arms from behind.

"Just feel this beautiful weather with me. Feel the music of nature in the form of this rain." I said as I started to sway with her, burying my face in the crook of her neck and she giggled, shaking her head.

I placed my lips against the skin of her neck, softly kissing my way to her ear, nibbling her earlobe before kissing just below her ear and she shrugged her shoulder a bit, tilting her head closing her eyes, leaning completely on me. My soft kisses trailed along the length of her neck and she bent her head to the other side giving me more access to her neck. I kissed, nibbled and sucked her skin desirably at the crook of her neck just near her clavicle, making her gasp. Her grip on our intertwined hands, resting at her stomach tightened a bit.

In a swift move, I turned her around, instantly claiming those lips deeply, which I so much possess. Her hands rested on either sides of my neck as mine were around her waist, holding her body firmly against mine. We were still swaying, captured in our own world under this heavy rainfall.

I didn't even realized since how long we were like that, swaying and kissing in the rain but then her sweet voice pulled me out of my trance."We should... go inside, Michael." She said lowly, still kissing me. I simply nodded never breaking the kiss.


"God! What shall we do now?!" She said whining as we entered inside the main house, completely drenched.

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