CHAPTER:31 || Getting Closer

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MAY 20, 1988 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

"You are so strong. You have to know this. You have to be strong."

"But mama I am not strong."

"You are, Mae. You have to be. Otherwise you'll not even realize, when all the pains and storm of the life will destroy you."

"Is the storm very huge?"

"Sometimes. But if you are strong enough then there is no need to be afraid because then you yourself will be the storm."

"Am I the storm?"

"Yes. You can. If you are strong enough."

"I am strong Mama. I am the storm. Right mama?"

"Yes you are. Now open your eyes."

"Open your eyes, Mae."

"P-Please, Mae. Open your eyes. P-Please, my love, please open your eyes."

My brain thickly clouded with confusion as I heard his faint sobs. It was like he was calling me from a very far distance.

The silence got cut by a sound. A beeping sound? Like in a...


I felt my heart rate picking up as my brain recalled everything. Every dreadful event.

"Please, God. Please... G-Give her back to me. I will... I will d-die without her..." His words trembled as he choked, sobbing faintly but hysterically.

Like I've never heard him before.

And it broke my heart into uncountable pieces.

"I... I cannot live without her. Please God..."

His voice was a weak whisper. A shaky whisper. I felt him placing his forehead against mine. His tears felt falling on my face and my heart ached tremendously for I just wanted to open my eyes and hold him. But I wasn't able to.

His cold fingers then intertwined with mine gently, still in the same position as he sobbed quietly.

"Please... Don't..." He choked on a weak sob. "Don't leave me, Mae. Open your eyes, my love... Please." His grip tightened a bit on my hand as his other hand caressed my hair, his forehead against mine as I felt his, shallow, irregular warm breaths on my face before some more tears hit my face.

"I'm so sorry," he sobbed. "I... I couldn't protect you. Please forgive me, my love." He sobbed brokenly.

I gathered everything inside me to hold his hand. To do anything. Anything. To call him, open my eyes to look at him. I tried and tried everything inside of me to hold his hand.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now