CHAPTER:11 || Bleeding Hearts

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[Warning: Mention of physical abuse, death. The content maybe triggering.]

NOVEMBER 29, 1987 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

I pulled away from him just to look into his eyes which were full of worries and confusion.

"Mae, are you alright? I don't know when I fell asleep but then I heard you crying and you were clenching my shirt in your fist. Your face was wet with tears when I saw you." His worried voice said as he brushed away my hair off my face.

I held both of his hands  in my trembling ones and took in a deep breath. I swallowed hard as I looked into his eyes again as I felt a tear rolling down my face. "Michael I want to tell you something." His grip on my hands became a bit firm as he looked at me intently.

"You know you can tell me anything and everything, Mae. I am always there for you." His words made my heart flip hard.

"I know. That's why I want to tell you this. I... I know you would have wondered why I always find excuses whenever you ask about my family." He simply nodded as he frowned.

I clenched my jaws, never looking away form his eyes. "Because, I don't have one." My voice trembled as more hot tears streamed down my face. "It isn't that I've never had one. We were a small and happy family. Maybe our life wasn't perfect but it was closest to perfect. My dad, Andrew. My mom, Olivia. They were my world. My everything."

I choked on my words as I tried hard to swallow down the painful lump in my throat. He wrapped his one arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder and he intertwined the fingers of his other hand with mine.

"Everything was so good, until my 17th birthday. I still remember that bloody day crystal clear. Like, that happened just yesterday. It all actually started a few years back from that day. My dad started to behave weirder each passing day. He wouldn't come home till late at night or even till next morning sometimes. He stopped interacting with us like before. He had serious anger problems. He was not very calm of a person. We knew that very well and we were somehow used to it because it was how he was.

But that day he was just out of control, like a wild animal who just broke out of his chains. That evening when it was my 17th birthday, he came home a little drunk. Mom was already outraged that he forgot my birthday, again. She questioned him and he became hyper. So hyper. That day he told us that he was involved in some serious drug business since a of couple of years now and... he murdered someone by mistake. It was a mistake he did." I clenched his shirt at his chest as I closed my teary eyes as those horrible, dark memories clouded my brain.

"It was unintentional but still he committed a crime, a huge one. How could he let himself get involved in something like that? Why did he do that? My mother was broken after knowing that. She decided to end that marriage with him because he didn't felt any regret and wanted to escape with us. And ofcourse she refused.  Just one thing he kept on saying. Just one thing, that he loved her so much and he did that just for us. But she couldn't agree with him, she told we won't be a part of his filth and he lost his control and slapped her hard."

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