CHAPTER:68 || Barriers

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Fam! Hello to all! Missed you all. 😢❣️

First of all... Thank you SO much to all of you, my readers, the ones who voted for this book and made it the WINNER of MJFAs 2019 in "Best Romance"! 😢

I have NO words honestly. No words are enough explain how thankful and grateful I am. I'm overwhelmed!! 😭😭❣️❣️

Thank you so much again. This really really means the world to me 🤧❣️

And secondly, I know it took me forever to update this but college is extremely hectic and important. So please bear with me. 😖❤️


NOVEMBER 19, 1988 (Los Olivos, USA)


The complete night I couldn't sleep, not for one God forsaken moment. How could've I? Since one complete year my own brother, the people whom I trusted, they were trying to ruin my life in the worst ways possible and heck I blame myself for this. I should've known, I should've seen something, anything. How did I not?

And worst of all, my girl was absolutely broken, more broken than I've ever seen her. She was so scared.

When she told me everything, I became absolutely numb. Her each trembling word sliced my heart like a sharp, cold razor, bleeding me senseless until I couldn't feel anymore.

I was trying and just trying to hold myself for her sake, so that I could hold her. I was unable to look her in the eye. I couldn't and I know I won't be able to. Everything that happened to us, happened because the people I trusted, who were close to be me and betrayed me. My trusted ones were the weak link.

Everything happened because of my fame.

My fame.

Last night when I heard her agonizing screams, her desperate calls, something inside of broke like never before. When I reached her I couldn't hold back myself anymore. But she held me. She was equally broken, maybe more broken than I was because it was her father who came back after years and that too, to break her all over again, but still, as soon as she saw me she held me. Forgetting about her own sorrows, she tried to lessen my pain with her affection.

We just sat there, under the Giving Tree- our Giving Tree for hours before we finally decided to return to our bedroom. With much difficulty I finally managed to get her to sleep because she wasn't ready to sleep unless I would.

Everything that happened, not only throughout my life but especially in the past year, everything made me question myself, question my inability to protect the only person I can't stand seeing in pain at all.

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