CHAPTER:19 || Hardships ?

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JANUARY 7, 1988 (LA, California, USA)


"Finally! Boy, my ears where begging to hear these words coming from you." Quincy said, leaning back in his chair as I was finally satisfied with the song. Not perfect but it was the closest to what I wanted.

I chuckled a bit. "You know very well Q, I am a perfectionist. It's the way I am."

"And that's why I love working with you young man." He said smiling wide.

We played the song for a few more times before finally, finalizing it for it's release.

We were a bit late from the date we decided to finish it. But it was SO worth it.

"It will burn the radios. Mark my words. There is no way this song will not be a number one hit."

"This song is really special to me. I mean I am having so many expectations from this."


"Oooh... The lover boy is back!" Janet teased as soon as she saw me and my face burnt with embarrassment.

When she came to know what happened in Brazil, she freaked out completely and is totally out of her mind since then. She seems more excited for us than anyone in the world.

"Don't you have some work to do? Go and get yourself busy and consume your time." I said grinning at her, shooing her away. She gasped dramatically.

"I'll tell your Ms. Lover to teach you some manners!" She cheesed, wiggling her brows at me.

"Shut up Jan!" I said laughing out loud with her. But then her smile faded away slowly as she stepped closer to me.

"Michael, they are all coming back tomorrow." She said, disappointment plastered on her face.

I felt chills running through my veins at the thought of Joseph seeing Mae in our house. I know for sure mother will definitely handle him, but what if he said anything hurtful to her? What if he scared her? He had never accepted any of my relationships. I can handle my brothers myself for I didn't cared about them.

"Tomorrow when?" I finally asked.

"Before afternoon." She informed. Her expressions softened as she placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring smile. "Mike, please don't worry. Mother will handle him, I'm sure. You are a grown up man. You can take your own decisions yourself." She said being a little frustrated.

"I know Jan. I... I know..." I said hugging her before walking towards my room. I opened the door and I was welcomed by her sweet smile. Her huge, beautiful eyes looked at me, so lovingly. She sprinted towards me, wrapping her arms around me as she placed her head on my chest. I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes in complete bliss as I wrapped her in my arms. She then lifted her head to look into my eyes before lifting up on her toes and softly pressed her sweet lips against mine in a tender kiss. My heart fluttered immensely as our lips moved in a blissful sync.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now