CHAPTER:39 || Confrontation

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AUGUST 1, 1988 (LA, California, USA)


"Okay, everyone!" I heard Frank shouting through the megaphone, signalling us to stop the rehearsals for a break.

"Boy, you always do amazing! Even during the rehearsals!" Frank said, patting my shoulder and I smiled wide at him.

"Anything for work. I just wanna give my everything to make my work, near to the perfect." I said shrugging a bit.

"Exactly. Also, I am having tonnes of positive expectations from the movie. I can't wait to see the final outcome." He showed his faith, smiling at me as he took a drag of his cigar.

"Me too." As I turned around, someone tackled me with a hug, literally making me stumble a few steps back.

"I always knew you were extremely passionate about your work! You did wonderful!" She said as her arms around me tightened just a bit. I just placed one hand on her back weakly, not knowing how to react exactly.

My eyes were glued on my baby, who just froze on her tracks, her smile faded away as she hugged me before Mae could have reached me.

"Thank you so much Brooke." I said pulling away, flashing a weak smile before instantly heading to reach for my girl.

But I soon felt a grip on my forearm, making me stop again. "I am so glad LaToya asked me to come along." Brooke said smiling, holding my arm as she gestured towards my sisters.

I smiled nodding my head as I freed my arm from her grip sprinting towards Mae and instantly hugged her tight. Her arms quickly wrapped around me equally tight.

"Won't you say anything about how I did?" I asked nuzzling my face in her neck, taking in her sweet intoxicating scent as I inhaled deeply.

"More than perfect. Like always. I am so proud of you Mr. Jackson." She said caressing my curls gently.

I pulled away looking right into her deep grey eyes and instantly saw the clouds that were fogging them. I cupped her face caressing her cheek gently with my thumb. "There is no need for you to be or feel uncomfortable because of her. She is close to Toya, she invited Brooke here and that's why she's here." I told her, making sure she was getting my every word.

She simply nodded with a soft smile. I placed a lingering kiss on her forehead before claiming her lips softly. Telling and showing her and everyone else that my Mae is my one and only. My world. I wasn't even a bit afraid to literally show my beautiful Mae to the entire world.

And I will, when the time will come.


"Brooke, I am so glad you took out time and accepted my invitation." Toya chirped as we were sitting on the dining table in Hayvenhurst.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now