CHAPTER:53 || I'll Be There

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[A/N: Play the track.

Song Name: Heaven can Wait by Michael Jackson

Album: Invincible (2001)]


SEPTEMBER 17, 1988 (LA, California, USA)


I saw her as she fell on her knees, her face was completely blank and pale.

My eyes wandered around. Everything seemed like a dreadful nightmare.

My frantic eyes finally stopped at my world, my angel. I just wanted to hear her voice. I just wanted to hear her call my name. I just wanted her to hold me, extremely tight and never leave me again, ever. I just wanted to get engulfed in her warm embrace forever. I wanted to get drowned in the depths of her eyes and never come back.

I watched her as she opened her tired eyes and tears streamed down her extremely pale face. I held her trembling hand real tight, looking right into her blood red eyes.

"M-Mae..." my trembling voice choked her name and she cried harder and more tears welled up my eyes blurring my already blurred vision even more.

She stroked my hair with her trembling hand as my head was placed in her lap. My vision started to get out of focus. My whole body was completely numb. I was unable to feel anything, and God knows how much I wanted to feel her touch. I needed to feel her touch.

"Don't close your eyes. Look at me, sweetheart. Michael! Look at me!" her trembling, shaky voice said frantically between her extremely ragged breaths as she was breathing in shallow gasps. She lightly slapped my face, calling my name again and again.

A smile touched my lips as I looked at her, recalling the first time I met her. That accident, which intertwined our fates forever. The way she cared for me, the way she saved my life risking her own. The way she earned my trust. Back then she wasn't mine but now she's my everything. My complete world.

My breathing was becoming choppier by the second. Extremely choppy. I wasn't even able to feel my heart beating. As my blurred vision looked at her, I realized something was being pressed at my chest. My tired and heavy eyes diverted there and I saw her hands on my chest in a superimposed manner, pressing there. She was trying to stop the uncontrollable stream of blood oozing out from there.

"You'll be alright. N-Nothing will happen to you. I won't let anything happen to you." she said urgently between her sobs as her eyes wandered around frantically.

"Bill! Call the ambulance, fast!" she sobbed hysterically. "There is so much blood..." her broken voice trembled as I felt her tears falling on my face.

My eyes found their way to see her face, as I gasped for air. I just wanted to admire every single bit of my angel's face. My brain just wanted to memorize every single thing, every single expression of hers.

My breathing was extremely ragged. I was inhaling in sharp and shallow gasps from my mouth.

"I've called. They'll be here soon..." his voice was frantic and helpless as he sobbed weakly. Sitting next to Mae, he replaced his hands with hers on my chest and she held my face in her blood drenched hands. She loosened the mask on my face but didn't removed completely.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now