CHAPTER:43 || For All Time

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[A/N: Link for the 3rd Annual Michael Jackson Fanfiction Awards is in my message board. Please make sure to Vote for your Favorite MJFanfic in their respected categories.. 

If you think that my work deserves your Vote then please bless me with your Votes by Mentioning my book's name in Bad Era Fanfic and Romance Categories. Much Love ]


AUGUST 4, 1988 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

I felt water splashing on my face along with faint calls.

"Hey! Open your eyes c'mon now." I heard Bill's worried voice.

I opened my eyes, blinking several times before I was able to focus.

We were still in the car. I analyzed my surroundings. We were half way my house.

"Are you fine? Drink some water c'mon." He said giving me the bottle. I shook my head.

"Stop it okay! Just drink." He almost scolded me, placing the bottle on my lips.

I drank mouthful. Then his phone rang and I sat straight in my seat.

"Is it him?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"Who else can be this late at night. It is him." He told me, about to answer the phone.

"Bill..." I called him. "Please don't tell him I am with you."

He gave me an uncertain look. "Please, Bill."

He exhaled exasperatedly, shaking his head.

"Yes Michael. I am out. Why?" He looked at me worried. "Mae?" I held his hand and shook my head. He shook his head in disbelief. "No she isn't with me. I was out because I needed something for the car. I know it's very late, it was urgent." I gave his hand a squeeze, smiling weakly at him.

"Yes Michael. Umm... Almost 30 mins. Yes ofcourse there are more cars. Okay. Okay."

He looked at me, blowing a low whistle. "He sounded like a complete mess. His voice was so weak and strained. I have never heard him like this." He said all worried.

"Bill. Thank you so much."

"I still can not believe I lied to him." He said entering the driver's seat.

He started the car and we headed towards my house.

I opened my teary eyes when the car came to a halt.

"We're here." Bill said and I again started to sob. "Mae, come here." He said hugging me. He then suddenly pulled away. "Don't tell me you are leaving him..." He asked and I just kept on sobbing. "Goddammit! Mae! What are you doing?! Please do not do this! This is NO solution!"

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now