CHAPTER:42 || Numb II

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AUGUST 4, 1988 (Los Olivos, USA)


I felt her hand around my bare chest. She's my love, my life. I can not even explain my love for her. My everything my world. My Mae.

I furrowed my brows a bit as I felt lights suddenly.

I started to hear faint voices as I felt my head pounding.

"...never wanted to do something..." My heart stopped right then and there. This can't be her. I tried my everything to open my eyes.

"Shut up! Just shut. Up!" I heard her yelling. My breath caught up in my throat. There was so much hurt in her voice. She sounded so broken.

What was happening? Where was I?

I tried to open my extremely heavy eyes. And I stirred a bit as I finally opened my eyes. "Mae..." I called her.

"Mae? What--" When I finally gained my focus after blinking several times, my world stopped. This has to be a nightmare. I sat up straight with a jerk. I looked at Mae before I saw her in my bed in my shirt?

How? This just can not happen. This is impossible.

I jumped out of the bed, raking my hair frantically. My head was pounding so bad. I stumbled a bit holding my head. My eyes darted at my love, my world.

She was standing near the railing, holding her chest. Tears were streaming down her face. She was breathing in gasps.

My heart dropped to my feet.

My heart dropped to my feet

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I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now