CHAPTER:32 || Desires & Fears

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JUNE 28, 1988 (Paris, France)


I was more than just excited to tell her about my house, our house. It was ready, almost ready. Atleast the main house was completely ready and I wanted her to be the very first person to see my dream with me.

She was looking out of the window as I entered the hotel room,after arranging something. A soft smile touched my lips as I reached her. She immediately sensed my presence but before she could've turned around completely I had reached her and placed my hands on either sides of her perfect waist from behind. I pulled her firm against my body, making my grip on her waist firm as I placed soft kisses on her cheek a few times and then I let my lips stay there. She smiled weakly and my heart fluttered.

"Thinking about anything?" My voice was a whisper against her skin. I felt her smiling slightly more as she shuddered weakly in my arms when I nibbled the shell of her ear.

God, I love how I affect her so much.

"I was just waiting for you." She said in a soft voice, turning only her face to me, making our foreheads touch.

"I am here now." I told her as I placed a lingering kiss on her forehead. I felt her breathing increasing along with my own. "The ranch is almost ready, Mae. Atleast the main house is completely ready. And I want you to be the first person to see that with me." I told her slowly sliding my hands across to her stomach, resting them there, pulling her even more to my body if that was possible.

"W-When are we going back to LA?" I chuckled at how nervous she becomes at my simplest touches. And I simply love it.

"Tomorrow morning." I told her and she finally turned to face me, placing her hands on my shoulders as I wrapped my arms around her,  holding her so close to me. She looked at me and then  smiled beautifully and it made me smile instantly.

"I can't wait to see the house." She said looking deep within the depths of my eyes, so lovingly as she brushed a strand of my curl from my forehead before caressing my face softly.


I held her hands and reached the couch nearby, settling there. "You know your eyes caught me the most the day I saw you." I told her so randomly, playing with her hair as her head rested on my chest.

"And your eyes caught me. They are so deep and beautiful." She said tracing my ring. I smiled and kissed her forehead deeply.

But then my heart started to race as I inhaled deeply to calm my nerves. I sat straight looking at her confused face. "Let's go out." I suggested her and she just smiled softly. "Mae, please believe me."

"But we just came back from your concert—"

"Almost 2 hours back." I retorted, holding her hands.

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