CHAPTER:54 || I Want You Back

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First of all Happiest New Year, 2019 to each one of you

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First of all Happiest New Year, 2019 to each one of you. :)

I know I am a terrible person for making you all wait for so long. I apologize. But the chapter wasn't coming out as I wanted it to be.

I really hope you'll like this update. I really worked hard on this chapter.

Off you go! 


SEPTEMBER 17, 1988 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

I froze completely when I saw a man in all black, standing against the wall of an isolated alley. His face was covered with a mask, he was pointing a gun right at me.

Michael was running towards me and I shouted his name at the top of my lungs when he pushed me away and my complete world collapsed right in front of my eyes.

There was no sound, nothing. 

But I saw it. 

I saw him falling on the ground as two bullets entered his chest.

My completely numb body fell on my knees besides him. I was completely blank. My brain refused to register what all I witnessed. I didn't wanted to accept what I witnessed.

But then I frantically scooted towards him and placed his head in my lap as I looked at his face. He was sweating so much. His face looked pale. He was totally emotionless. His breathing was choppy. His extremely heavy eyes weakly wandered around. My heart dropped and a chilling bolt ran throughout me, when I saw a stream of blood oozing out from his chest. I quickly placed my hands there, pressing firmly as I tried to stop the blood.

I closed my eyes real tight, hoping that this was just an extremely horrible nightmare. But I failed when I heard his extremely ragged breathing.

I weakly opened my eyes and that's when I lost myself completely. Uncontrollable tears started to stream down my face as I sobbed hysterically. I saw him lifting his trembling hand and I immediately reached for his hand. He held my hand in his icy cold one in a dead tight grip as I kept on applying pressure on his chest with my other hand.

"M-Mae..." his weak voice choked and I broke down even more, leaving his hand to caress his hair.

His eyes looked so tired and heavy. I was unable to even breathe. "Don't close your eyes. Look at me, sweetheart. Michael! Look at me!" My voice trembled as I called him between my extremely ragged breaths which were in shallow gasps. I started to lightly slap his face, calling his name again and again so that he won't close his eyes.

My sobs increased as I felt my heart tightening when he smiled through his eyes. His hazy eyes never left mine as he tried to blink several times.

"You'll be alright. N-Nothing will happen to you. I won't let anything happen to you." my voice was urgent as those trembling words escaped my quavering lips. My eyes wandered around frantically, looking for Bill. My mind wasn't even working.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now