CHAPTER:48 || Your Love is Magical

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[A/N: I am extremely sorry for being SO dead. I was sick and couldn't write. :(

But here is your update! I hope you all will like this chapter.

And most importantly I wanna thank you all for your patience and support and all the lovely messages I got on instagram. Much love.]


AUGUST 21, 1988 (Würzburg, Belgium)


A smile touched my lips when I felt her hands caressing my hair and my heated back as I continued to close my eyes in complete bliss. Her lips felt kissing my forehead every now and then as I was lying right upon her heated self, my head was resting on her chest, hearing her soothing heartbeat, after we shared all of our deep, endless love for each other. Our lower halves were covered under the duvet that I pulled over us several minutes ago.

I was simply the happiest I could have been.

"Michael," Her soft voice killed the silence which was nothing but peaceful.

"Yes, my love." I almost whispered as my eyes remained closed. My one hand ran along the side of her perfect shape, feeling her heated skin as my other hand was caressing her hair.

"I love you so much," she said before I felt her lips kissing my forehead again. I smiled at the blissful feeling and my heart brimmed with my love for her.

"I love you so much more, sweetheart." I whispered as I started to softly kiss along her neck.

"Thank you so much for understanding me." She almost whispered before inhaling deeply.

I stopped kissing her skin and lifted my head to look into her beautiful eyes. "I-I failed to understand you, right?" she asked, looking away from my eyes embarrassingly. "You trusted me—"

I placed my thumb on her lips before I replaced it with my lips, kissing her softly. "Look into my eyes, Mae." I told her softly and a few moments later she finally looked into my eyes. "I trust you. I understand you. Exactly the way you trust me and understand me like no one can ever." I told her honestly.

"You don't hate me, right?"

I shook my head, never looking away from her eyes. "Never," I whispered as our lips were almost touching. "How can I ever hate my own life?"

She looked deep into my eyes for a few moments with so much love filled in them. "Thank you," she smiled before closing the very slight distance between our lips. Our lips instantly molded together in a breathtaking sync and her hands started to roam throughout my bare back soothingly.

I rested my head back on her chest after we pulled away. "Don't ever thank me, baby. We will always be there for each other no matter what."

A peaceful silence fell over as I closed my eyes feeling her fingers caressing my hair.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now