CHAPTER:7 || Burning Inside

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NOVEMBER 10, 1987 (LA, California, USA)


I stood up from my seat. I was angry but more than that I was hurt. I thought she understood me, I thought she understood my friendship for her for I consider her to be a real friend of mine. And she thought I was doing all of this out of sympathy. That really hurt me.

"Michael please!" I heard her calling me. I heard quick clicking of heels against the floor before I felt her hands holding my forearm, making me stop. "I didn't mean it that way. I never meant to hurt you." I turned around and all my anger instantly evaporated when I saw tears welling up in her beautiful eyes. My eyes softened.

"I could have never ever even imagined that someone like you would like to be a friend of someone like me. Your world is so different from mine. The people around you, they are so much better than me but—"

"But still I want to spend time with you. That's what you wanna ask, right?" I said as calmly as I could and she nodded weakly, biting her lip as she looked down. I exhaled exasperatedly. I placed my fingers under her chin gently lifting her face, making her look at me again.

"It's simply because I found you to be different from all of them, Mae. You are different without even trying. You understand me. I want to be around you. I want you to be around me. I feel so comfortable and calm when I talk to you. You make me feel so normal, that I can finally feel like I am having a normal life too. You've never made this thing an issue between our friendship, then why now?" She swallowed weakly, looking down again.

"Do you know how much happiness I felt when we talked on the phone for hours. Do you really think I would have done that if it was out of sympathy? I was going crazy when Frank blocked my phone calls and we couldn't talk." She instantly looked at me again, like she wasn't exactly expecting these words to come from me. But it was true. It was so true. I was going crazy.

My thumb so gently grazed the skin of her chin, my eyes looked at every movement my thumb made before I studied her face which was flushed. "Mae, I want this friendship to last. And this is the only reason I want to spend as much time as I can with you, so that we can know each other till the extent that there's nothing left to know." I said in a soft voice finally removing my hand from under her chin.

She looked at me blankly, simply blinking those long lashes before a wide smile came across her face. She gently held both of my hands which was at the sides of my body. Her soft and small hands were holding mine so gently. "Michael, trust me I want the same and believe me you are the only one I shared my real feelings with, except from Alice." She admitted.

"You really mean that, right?" I asked looking dead into her grey eyes.

"It's the honest truth." She said reflecting back my gaze. I just wanted to hug her instantly but I subsided my emotions, just smiling and looking at her perfect face.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now