CHAPTER:26 || Storm

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APRIL 9, 1988 (Houston, USA)

| MAE |

Almost mid show and his energy and passion was still on fire.

He is so magical.

Burning with hot passion.

I was engrossed in his performance when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Ms. Scarllette, there's a call for you." It was my phone so it has to be someone from the family. Only Mom, Janet, Alice and Daniel are having my new number, obviously other than Michael.

I excused myself to a place where there was less noise.


"Mae..." Alice almost whispered, her voice was trembling with worries and fear and it caused a cold bolt to run throughout my system.

"Is everything okay?" I asked more than worried.

"No. Nothing. Mae, your house..." I felt goosebumps rising as my heart pounded a mile per second at her words and tone.

"Alice, please calm down and tell me." My frantic voice said as I heard her shallow and irregular breaths. My heart dropped.

"Mae, someone called me and asked me to prepare your house and told me that you were coming. W-When I reached your house. It was... It was completely destroyed. It's a mess, Mae. A total wreck." She sobbed weakly.

My heart stopped. I got completely frozen.

"Do the cops know?" I managed to ask as a deep frown formed at my slightly sweaty forehead.

"No. I couldn't tell. When I reached your house I again got a call and the person told me if I inform the cops it would not be good for anyone of us. I am scared Mae." Her voice cracked even more as she started to cry and I knew it was a million times more serious than I thought for she wasn't the one who would cry that easily.

"I'll be there. I'll get the next flight."

My eyes were burning and my mouth was dry. I was sweating and hyperventilating.

Only and only one name was coming across my mind who could have done this.

I headed towards Bill and told him that I need to go to LA right away and I told him strictly not to tell Michael in any case till the show ends.

I can not mess his show.


APRIL 9, 1988 (LA, California, USA)

| MAE |

The complete journey seemed like a blur for my senses were out of my control. I didn't even knew how I managed to get through the flight in past 3-4 hours. I quickly took the taxi making sure my face was covered as I was now in the public eye.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now