CHAPTER:60 || Our Perfect Night

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I am back?! I updated?!
Geez! I'm surprised! 🙃❣️

Here's your update. I hope you all will enjoy! ❤️❤️


OCTOBER 20, 1988 (Los Olivos, USA)

| MAE |

I looked at him in utter confusion as he intertwined our fingers. He simply smiled wider as he started to walk, taking me with him.

"Baby, where are we going?" I asked totally confused and curious as we exited the house.

"You'll see." He said as we kept on walking and soon a golf cart came into my vision. My curiosity shot to the sky when we reached it and he asked me to settle in it.

I did. And he settled next to me in front of the steering wheel and started to drive away. There was this beautiful but nervous smile on his face and his eyes kept sparkling as he kept on driving.

"Will you tell me where are we going?" I almost whined and my ears got filled with his angelic, high pitched laughter.

"What about... a no?" He said smartly making me punch his arm and he laughed even more.

"Silly." I mumbled.

Soon enough he stopped the cart in front of the theatre and a wide smile crept on my face.

"We're going to watch a movie!" I exclaimed as we hopped off the cart. He giggled intertwining our fingers as we entered the theatre.

 He giggled intertwining our fingers as we entered the theatre

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[A/N: Michael's theatre in Neverland ranch.]

As we went inside, my heart yet again soared with love and respect for my man as my eyes landed on the rooms which were built inside the walls, which were just across from the screen and stage. These rooms were specifically designed for terminally ill children that would visit Neverland, so that they could enjoy movies, cartoons, magic shows, anything that would bring them joy and happiness. There were special hospital beds inside these rooms for these children who were unable to sit.

 There were special hospital beds inside these rooms for these children who were unable to sit

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I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now