CHAPTER:44 || Don't Walk Away

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AUGUST 4, 1988 (LA, California, USA)


She inhaled deeply closing her eyes, which refused to look at me. Then she opened them. "Fine..." She said under her breath and some rays of happiness illuminated inside my broken heart as I smile.

But soon my smile faded away when she settled on the couch near the window.

"Mae, I need you." I told her in weak voice, looking at her as my heart ached.

"I am here Michael." She said looking at me with smug smile before she turned her face to look outside the window.

It was killing me even more. She being here, but still more than far away from me.

I took a shaky breath, turning to my side, facing her. I wanted to sleep atleast looking at her, if I was unable to feel her while falling asleep. I blinked back my tears as I inhaled shakily.

I looked outside the window and it was still raining, but lesser now. It was dark but with very faint light. Sun was already up I guess. My eyes again landed on my world.

Why can't she just listen what to I wanted to tell her? Why can't she just trust me? I know what she saw was more than hard to accept. If I was at her place, I would have killed that person right then and there. But I know I would have listen to her. I would have let her explain everything.


I woke up at the faint sound of sobs. I never opened my eyes when I felt her hand caressing my my face gently. My heart trembled when I felt her soft lips on my hot face, kissing me so softly and so gently like she was afraid to disturb my slumber. Then she kissed again and again and again.

"I love you so much." Her broken voice whispered as she caressed my curls, making my soul shudder. "I still trust you. I have always trusted you." She choked, gulping hard. "But what shall I do about what all I saw. That broke me completely." I felt drops falling on my already burning face and my heart ached immensely.

"I am angry with you. So much. Because you let her in. Because you let her do what she wanted. I am angry because I am so unable to understand how that happened, because I know you can never do that to us..." She choked again as I felt her irregular breaths on my face. I just wanted to kiss her right away but I wanted to hear her because I knew she was saying all of this because she thought I was asleep.

"How can you let this happen? Maybe you didn't do that but still you let that happen, you let her in." she started to sob placing her hand on my burning face. "I... I don't even know what to think. I am so unable to even think straight, Michael."

Her words made me open my burning eyes and I reached for her hand on my face. Her eyes shot open looking at me.

"Why are you doing this to us? Why can't you just hear what I wanna say?" My voice was not louder than a whisper as I caressed the back of her hand with my thumb.

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now