CHAPTER:65 || Final Revelation

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Hi again you all! 😃❣️
Apologies for taking forever! 😩

So before reading this VERY crucial chapter, any final guess about who this mastermind is?

Off you go! ❤️


NOVEMBER 18, 1988 (Los Olivos, USA)


My heart kept breaking as she kept on sobbing shakily in my arms. I swallowed hard as I tightened my arms around her, stroking her hair gently. "Calm down please. I'm right here." I whispered those words for nth time as she just kept on sobbing. I could feel the extreme pain and anguish radiating off her being and it just made me a million times more terrified.

"Please calm down. Please." I pleaded blankly, as my mind was too numb because of the wild, wild storm of several thoughts, banging against my skull, wanting to explode it.

After which seemed like an eternity, her loud sobs morphed into quite ones as she kept holding me extremely tight as her face remained buried in my chest. I rubbed her back soothingly, placing soft kisses against her sweaty forehead.

I gently held her shoulders, pulling her away just to look at her face. The next moment I held her face in both of my hands as I studied her intently. Her pale face was soaked in tears and eyes were so swollen and red, she was hardly able to open them. Her body was limp as if all the life has been sucked out of her. My heart snapped in half.

"I'm right here, sweetheart. Look at me." I caressed her face gingerly with the back of my fingers, wiping away her tears. She kept sobbing quietly but slowly tried to open her extremely exhausted eyes to look at me properly since yesterday.

I blinked back my tears as I was so unable to look at her fragile state. When she finally did look into my eyes a weak sob escaped her lips. "I'm scared," her weak voice whispered as another pair of tears escaped her vulnerable eyes. My blood ran cold at her words. "I'm so... so scared." her trembling voice whispered again before she broke down again, placing her head on my shoulder.

My breathing picked up immensely as my complete being brimmed with extreme fear.

I again held her face and made her look into my eyes. "Listen to me," I said in a slightly stern voice. "We need to talk, okay? We need to. And for that, you'll have to contain yourself." I told her looking deep into her eyes. "You are stronger than this, so much stronger." I said and she shook her head frantically, sobbing shakily. "You, listen to me!" My voice raised uncontrollably as my grip on her face became firm.

"You don't have any idea what all I'm going through since last night. I feel like exploding, but I'm holding myself so much, just for you." My stern voice trembled weakly. "You need to do the same...for me. For us. Please." My words almost faded into a whisper and she just stared at me with silent tears escaping her eyes. "We won't be able to do anything unless we talk."

I Love You Endlessly || A Michael Jackson Fanfiction | #Wattys2019✔️Where stories live. Discover now