R.I.P. The Hawk

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Rest in Peace Joseph Walter Jackson
July 26, 1928 - June 27, 2018

I am honestly overwhelmed, never thought it would be this overwhelming for me.

No matter what Michael loved his father, no matter what Joe Jackson was the ONLY reason why we had Michael Jackson, THE Michael Jackson, he showed the direction
He worked extremely hard for his kids and to bring them to an untouchable level they all are at.

No matter what he spent his entire life to make his kids' lives better and he successfully did that.

No matter what he ALWAYS stood by Michael.

He was a father and loved his children. NO matter what.

We had/have no right to hate him because his children, to be specific Michael forgave him and loved him always.

Please NO negativity. Just love and condolence to Jackson Family

June is officially a nightmare for Jackson Family.  


P.S. -

What all I have mentioned about Joe Jackson in my book are facts and can not be denied.

His ways maybe were wrong but his intentions were NEVER wrong

His ways maybe were wrong but his intentions were NEVER wrong

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