CHAPTER:29 || Tribulations

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[A/N: Play the song....]



MAY 12, 1988 (LA, California, USA)


"Eat this, Michael. Please. You look so pale and weak. You haven't eaten properly in days nor have you slept." Mother cooed, sitting besides me on the couch.

My tired eyes slowly lifted to look at her. "Why did she leave me mother? What did I do so wrong? What went so wrong? We were so happy. So much happy. I'm unable still understand this. I am thinking and rethinking every single second for one reason for her to leave me like this, but there isn't any. I know she loves me. So much. Then why did she killed my heart?" My voice was weak and hoarse, as I clutched my necklace, she gifted me. I felt tears blurring my vision as I was staring at the phone in my slightly trembling hand as I was texting her again. The pounding of my head was just increasing by the second.

"Michael, honey I know her well. This is not like her. She can never hurt you like this. She can never be the reason of your pain. I know you know it better than anyone else." She said stroking my head gently.

My grip on my necklace tightened even more at her words.

"I am calling her since then. Her phone is not reachable. What should I do? How should I even contact her?" I said looking again at my phone in my other hand.

"Michael!" Janet dashed inside my room all frantic and worried, breathing heavily.

I looked up with a jerk, wincing, holding my pounding head.

"What happened?" My weak voice questioned all worried and mother just looked at her with a frown.

"Michael, this note is not from Mae." She said catching her breath, taking away mine. Her burning eyes looked at me intently.

"What!" Mother said as I was just unable to form words.

"Yes. There are 90% chances that Mae never wrote this note." She said raising the crumpled piece of paper in air. "Michael I wasn't convinced even a bit since the very beginning that she can ever leave you. At least not like this..." She said stepping closer to my slightly trembling being. My breathing git insane as my heart thumped to hit my ribs.

"That's why I approached Detective Jedrek, the day before yesterday and showed him this note. I told him about your relationship and bond. He called me again this morning with this note. He literally studied this note for a couple of hours. He told me if Mae would've wrote this, the writing would have been a bit shaky because obviously she would be crying and she had to be in pain while writing this. Plus no one this close to someone can leave just two lines. It's natural to write at least a paragraph if not a letter if they wanted to explain something or simply nothing at all."

Her words hit my shuddering heart like daggers. My eyes burnt just like my soul.

"The writing seems to be in one continuous stroke. No additional pen marks, signalling that the person who wrote this was not even a bit confused or worried. He told me that the pressure used to write this is moderate. When someone is writing a note like this, it's natural that either one will apply more pressure on the pen than required or the pressure would be really light simply because of the scattered emotions."

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