CHAPTER:18 || Melting Away

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DECEMBER 29, 1987 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

| MAE |

I lost all of my senses when I felt his lips against mine. Reality? Dream? Hallucination? Whatever it was, I just wanted to live that moment forever. Never wanting it to stop. His words already made my senses numb and the way he was holding my hand on his chest, pressing it there, making me feel his heart hammering his ribs so hard, it made my complete being so absorbed in his touch. I was unable to even feel anything except for him, except for his touch.

I have never felt like this in my entire life. No one has ever loved me like this. No one has ever made me fall in love with them like he has. It felt so magical, so surreal. I couldn't help it when tears escaped my eyes, which I was trying to hold back so hard. He makes me feel every kind of emotion, all at once. I couldn't even explain how he was making me feel as I felt his lips moving against mine with such tender passion and love.

All I wanted to do was, melt into his embrace and show every bit of my affection and... love.

When I felt his fingers gently caressing my bare back my complete being got numb. My mind, my heart, my soul almost stopped existing. The feeling of his touch stirred my inside completely.

When we parted, I opened my teary eyes, looking at him as our foreheads were still touching, his other hand was placed on my heated, tear soaked face. His eyes were closed, he was breathing heavily, savoring the feeling of my lips against his.

As I continued to admire him, I felt this extremely strong urge to feel his lips against mine again. I wanted that feeling again. That feeling which controlled my senses beyond my imagination. I felt myself placing my hands on his heated face and I gently pressed my lips against his again. And he kissed back so lovingly, holding me tighter like he wanted to tell me he never wanted to let go. This was so overwhelming.

When we finally pulled back, our lips smacking slightly, I opened my teary eyes again as I stroked his curls gently before he opened his eyes finally. His eyes were, slightly red, drowsy, dark, like he was in a daze. My heart skipped several beats. He looked right into my eyes, our foreheads never parting.

"I love you... so much." He whispered as he gently held either sides of my face, his thumbs wiping away my tears. But more tears filled my eyes. He looked deep into my eyes, wanting me to know he meant every single word that made me shudder as soon as he said them.

I blinked my eyes a few times, and a few tears escaped my eyes which he wiped away again. I was trying to analyze what just really happened. Did I heard him right?

I blankly looked into his eyes which were carrying a storm of emotions. So intense, and waiting. Wanting to know my response. My heart was screaming just one thing which slipped out of mouth like a sweet melody.

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