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Jeon Jungkook

Kim Taehyung


Kim Taehyung's P.O.V

I bit my lip watching the view of Jeon Jungkook's back side. He's such an innocent boy. I'd love to take away his innocence but I would feel like I would have done the worst humanly possible thing. I always admired from afar. I had an image to uphold. Not even the innocent boy that had every guy and girl of the school wrapped around his finger could possibly break my bad boy rep.

"Yah! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Yoongi shouts in my ear. I glare at him and shove his shoulder. "Dude I was trying to tell you about this really hot guy and you don't even listen?!" Yoongi shouts scoffing. "Listen man I don't care about your stupid petty crushes, okay? Keep that sappy shiz away from me," I say shrugging him off and continue with eating.

"Yeah, cause Mr. Bad Boy over here doesn't have the hots for the schools innocent Jeon JungKook," Yoongi teases with a smirk. I smirk slightly to myself. "You never know when to shut up," I grumble standing to throw my lunch away. "Oh don't act like it's not true!" Yoongi tsks.

"Whatever man," I say throwing away the leftover food that was discarded into the trash. I stroll out of the lunch room and into the hallway. "I bet you 50 bucks that you can't go up to Jungkook and lay a kiss on those pure and plump lips of his," Yoongi dares waving a 50 dollar bill in front of me.

I smirk always up for a bet. "Ha, I could do a little more then just a kiss, but you would have to raise the price," I say lighting a cigarette. Yoongi reached in his pocket pulling out another 50. "That's more like it," I say with a smug look. I hand the cigarette to Yoongi and let him smoke the other half.

"Here he comes now," Yoongi says nodding to the entrance of the lunch room. I smirk kicking off the wall and follow him around the corner. Jungkook stops at his locker and starts pulling things out of his locker. I stand by with Yoongi staring with an amused smirk. After he finished gathering his things I walk up to him slamming his locker closed earning a gasp and a squeal from Jungkook's pretty little mouth.

He turned around and I pushed his books out of his hands and onto the floor. Jungkook looked at me in horror. I grab his butt and lift him onto my hips. He latched onto me without hesitation. I slam my lips to his. I press his back further into the lockers as the kiss heats up and intensifies. I feel Yoongi stuff the money into my pocket. I smirk into the kiss and grip Jungkook butt.

"Mhhh, not so innocent now are we baby?" I growl into his ear nipping and nibbling the beautiful lobe of his. "Only for certain people," Jungkook whispers panting slightly. "How about we take this back to my place?" I ask just wanting to skip school to be with this boy. "But I don't want to loose my virginity yet," Jungkook pouts while clutching onto my shirt.

"I won't be doing that today, that will come later in the future baby," I say amusement laced into my voice along with a smirk. Jungkook blushes and nods his head. I chuckle picking up his back pack and books from off the ground while he still clutched onto me. I walk us to my car and place him down onto the passenger side.

I start up my car and speed all the way to my house. Jungkook fiddled with his fingers. I grab his hand and lace our fingers together bringing the back of his hand to my lips and letting it linger for a few seconds. "No need to be nervous baby. We're only skipping," I chuckle know he's never done anything like this before.

"Easy for you to say. I've never skipped school before," Jungkook mumbles out with an adorable pout. "Get used to it. This is going to be how it's going to be from here on out," I say with a confident smirk. "Who said I wanted to do this again?!" Jungkook shout a look of horror on his face.

"Well that's what happens when your boyfriend is a bad boy," I say smugly. Jungkook blushes and mutters something to himself. "What was that baby?" I ask glancing over at him for a second. "Nothing," he mumbles. "As your boyfriend you should always follow my orders. If I ask you a question you answer it okay?" I say sternly.

"I said that I never agreed to being your boyfriend," Jungkook says with a blush. "Hmm, you never had a say in this baby," I say squeezing his hand lightly. I pull into the driveway and get out. Jungkook followed behind hesitantly. I unlock the door and let Jungkook in licking my lips looking as his perfectly shaped butt.

I shut the door behind me and lead Jungkook into the kitchen. I toss him a bottle of water. It slipped from his hands and rolled onto the floor. I chuckle with a smirk when he bends down to grab the water bottle. "So what were we going to do?" Jungkook asks slowly. "I was planning on getting something to eat," I say walking closer to Jungkook. "Oh okay, that's not very exciting but okay. What are we having?" Jungkook asks shrugging. "I was planning on having a taste of you," I say with a small smirk, my hands grabbing onto his waist. "Haha, no silly. You can't eat me, that's cannibalism!" Jungkook says giggling. I shake my head at the innocence this boy still has.

"Your right, then let's watch a movie," I say pulling him into the living room. Jungkook sat down on the couch and drank his water. I pull out one of my mothers favorite romantic movies and put it into the DVD player. Grabbing the remote I slide it onto the coffee table and leave to grab a pillow and blanket. I come back to Jungkook awkwardly sitting on the couch staring at the previews playing. "Stand up," I say gently grabbing his arm. He stood up and watched me put the pillow on the couch. I get comfortable and help Jungkook down onto my body. I drape the blanket over us and wrap my hands around his waist. I lift up the bottom of Jungkook's shirt and run my finger tips over the bare skin.

I paused my movement to press play. I continued my movements getting closer and closer to the top of his jeans. Jungkook leaned in and snuggled his head into my chest. My heart beat fast as I slipped my fingers under the hem of his jeans. I fumbled with his underwear. The adrenaline in me speed up and I had ideas on why but I didn't think they were true. Soon my fingers passed the hem of his underwear and my hands gently cupping his butt in both hands.

Jungkook didn't make a single peep. I relaxed my hands on his butt. My heart pounded feeling Jungkook press his butt into my hands. My hands slipped down lowly grazing balls. I gulp. I've never been nervous about have this type of intimate touching.

"Taehyung," Jungkook whined. I go to speak but his hands removing my hands from his butt stop me. "What was that for?" He asks looking up at me with a small pout. I chuckle and run my hand down his face.

"Hmm, just having some fun," I smirk pulling him in for a kiss. Jungkook shifted on top of me. My smirk grows larger when Jungkook straddled me. I grip his hips tightly and grind them down onto mine. A whimper left Jungkook's lips. I groan detaching his lips from mine and throwing my head back.

"Did that feel good?" Jungkook asks before leaning down to my ear. "Daddy," I groan loudly.

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