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Kim Taehyung

Jeon Jungkook

Taehyung's P.O.V

I stood in front of my worst nightmare, my reflection. The bags under my eyes didn't help with the disgusting and revolting face that I have lived with since I was young. My body exposed to the cold air. I tilt my head pinching and grabbing at the fat on my stomach. I needed to get rid of it. But nothing seems to be working. I haven't eaten for the past two months. I have been working at it when and if I could. Nothing seemed to be working.

I frown knowing I'll never be good enough. There was too much fat on my stomach, thighs, face, neck, arms, anywhere you looked on my body and there would be an abundance of fat. My eyes were one of the many things I hate about myself. They were black and never seemed to show any emotion. Though how could I show emotions, it's just another weakness. In fall my eyes would lighten up to a gray but would never fail to return to their normal black and dull color.

My lips were dry, skin cracked and peeling off. They were never enough. No, too small and pale for the likes of the people around me. My ears stuck out of my head which generated a lot of taunting from a young age. My nose was too big for my face and off put everything. If only my nose could become my lips, but that would never happen. I will always be the ugly,worthless, pathetic, fag in everyone's eyes.

Once I had removed my gaze from the mirror I dressed into a light gray t shirt that had holes and tears from the many years I have worn it. I pull on a pair of tight ripped jeans. My pants didn't fit me and were too small making them hug my legs and waist. They disgusted me and I hated looking down at my own thighs. I pull on a hunter green hoodie and zip it up. I grab my worn and torn pack back and head on to school. I sigh not seeing my parents. They are always at work oh so early in the morning. I couldn't blame them though, why would two very gorgeous parents want to spend time with their unfortunately ugly and disgusting child.

I make my way to school. I've tried many times to find a way around the many people in the halls. Though it seemed more than half the student body were more interested in shoving and pushing me. I ignore the pain that soon was numbed from the numerous times I've been abused. I don't want to pity myself because I deserve this treatment but it always makes my shiver when I think about the fact the pain has became no more to me. I felt nothing. Only the emotional and mental pain. It was no use trying to stop the pain because so it with all be over.

I head to class just wanting to at least try to get my grades up. My plans never work out in the end. I felt air around me and I flew to the ground. I open my eyes and look up blankly at the boy that had opened my eyes to the truth about myself. "Ugh, your so disgusting, look at yourself. You actually tried to fit in with these ripped skinny jeans! I've never seen something so pathetic in my life," the boy snarled at me. I just stared him in the eyes. I couldn't show emotions anymore. "What not going to talk now? I swear, your too easy. Aren't I glad that I transferred to the school I wouldn't have had this much fun," the boy stepped closer.

"Now, why haven't you put your disgusting and pathetic existence out of its misery? Huh? Do you actually think that your life with turn out better?" He yelled not letting my answer. His fist rammed into my jaw, my stomach, my thighs, and chest. Then came the kicks, my sides pulsed ever so lightly. My thighs didn't feel a thing. When he kicked my head I lost eye sight for a moment. "Hahaha! I wish I could see you in pain all day long. It would really make me happy. But I would be ecstatic if you finally left for good!" He shouts spitting in my face. He spood up kicking my head again. My head jerked forward slamming into the lockers. I gasp softly when everything went foggy. I close my eyes shanking my head slowly. Opening them again I could only see through on eye.

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