Why 2

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-Jungkook's P.O.V-

When we arrived at the set destination Jimin and Taehyung were already there. JaeHyung was in awe when she saw Taehyung. The two were chuckling at her. "Hi," Taehyung spoke. I almost fell, I've missed his voice so much.

"Taehyung Oppa? You look so handsome!" JaeHyun cried jumping into Taehyung's arms. I chuckled myself drawing attention to myself. Jimin looked up with a humble smile while Taehyung gave me a sweet smile. "You must be the father of this gorgeous child."

I nodded not knowing what to say. The love of my life and the father of my child was standing right in front of me having no clue as to who I was. It definitely stung. "Why don't we order?" Jimin cut in directing us to the counter.

Taehyung helped JaeHyun choose and ordered for her. Deep down it made me happy that my baby and her father were interacting, I just wished it was under different circumstances. Jimin and I found a separate table while Taehyung and JaeHyun talked.

"Your daughter is such an angel. Let me guess she gets it from her mother? Or are you secretly the sweetest angel yourself?" Jimin asked in a teasing tone.

"Actually, JaeHyun doesn't have a mother per se rather two fathers," I said a little embarrassed. "I was the one pregnant with JaeHyun," Jimin looked shocked.

"Really? Can I meet the father? I really want to know what he looks like," Jimin said smiling. I frowned turning my head to look at Taehyung.

"JaeHyun's father doesn't know she exists. Her father and I met in a camp for troubled teen boys, we had this relationship that I thought was real but when it came time for him to leave, his girlfriend showed up. From then on I learned I was pregnant, never got in touch with the father and currently trying to move on from him."

"I'm sorry, what a jerk. But hey, I'm sure you'll find someone that you really like," Jimin said winking at me. I sighed.

"Listen Jimin If this was your way of trying to ask me out," I sighed looking at Jimin was a saddened face. He started chuckling.

"I'm not asking you out Jungkook, although I don't know about Taehyung over there. He's been checking you out since you got here," Jimin said nodding his head towards Taehyung. I turned to them to see Taehyung swiftly move his head back.

"I don't know," I sighed turning back to my sandwich.

"Do you mind me asking, is Taehyung the father?" Jimin asked. I tried to hid my shock. "Is he Jungkook? Because if he is you need to tell him, he deserves to know he has a child," Jimin said resting a hand on my shoulder. No sense in hiding it now.

"Jimin, I was in love with him for a very long time. He left me for another girl, he never called he never tried to contact me. What makes you think that he deserves to know?" I questioned tearing up.

Jimin sighed looking over at Taehyung and JaeHyun before turning back to me. "Because, Taehyung can't go a single day without mentioning this boy from his younger teen years. He goes on and on about how much in love he was and how he regrets hurting the boy. Jungkook he's still in love with you."

I started tearing up. We can't be together, Taehyung has such an amazing and successful career. How would his fans react to that? How would they feel about Taehyung having a daughter already? I excused myself and made my way for the bathroom.

Trying to compose myself I washed my hands and walked around the bathroom. Leaning on the sink for support. The door opened and in came Taehyung. "Jungkook? Is it really you?" Taehyung asked coming to stand in front of me.

I bursted our into tears. All my pain and sorrow from so many years back was being dug up. "I'm so sorry. I know I hurt you baby and I regret it all. I want you back, please," Taehyung pleaded wrapping his arms around me.

"I don't know if I can do that Taehyung. You hurt me so bad and left me for years." I cried clutching onto his shirt. Taehyung's fingers wrapped around my chin pulling my head up. He had this loving and concerned look that was glazed over with lust and need. I shivered under his stare.

He didn't need to say anything. We just kissed, it was like finding your paradise. I finally felt the feeling I loved the most. And boy did it feel even better. It didn't take long for Taehyung to have me on his hips against the wall. "I missed this so much."

I felt like my whole body melted when he started kissing my neck. Leaving a love bit just below the hem of my shirt. "Taehyung, we need to get back," I sighed trying to push him away.

"Wait," Taehyung said breathlessly. He looked into my eyes with pure seriousness. "Who is that father of JaeHyun?" He asked putting me down. I looked to the ground holding his hand in mine.

"Can we talk about this later?" I asked pushing past him and out the door. I sat down with JaeHyun and Jimin. JaeHyun has an ice cream cone in her hands as Jimin watched with a smile. "Hey," I said in a whisper, but it still brought the attention of Jimin and JaeHyun.

"So how's the bathroom? Is it nice?" Jimin teased wiggling his eyebrows. I blushed looking down at my lap. Taehyung showed up sitting next to me right across from JaeHyun. She was smiling from ear to ear as she ate her ice cream.

My breath hitched when a hand was placed onto my thigh. I traced the hand back to its owner. Taehyung held a smile on his face as his hand gently kneaded my thigh. I gripped onto his hand hoping to pry it off. Nothing, he just wouldn't budge. Taehyung was smiling but I couldn't help but see a slight smirk on his lips. I glare up at him until his hand let go but captured on of my hands.

Hello Lovely's

I hope you all had a great day. My day was pretty uneventful. I did help with raking some rock out the dirt today for landscaping purposes. My skin peeled up and it hurts so much!

It rained pretty hard and even hailed. Our youngest dog went outside and peed herself because she was scared of the thunder, poor girl.

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