Pushed Away 2

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-Jungkook's P.O.V-

   My father was calling again. I hadn't told him about the trip. If knew where I was he was sure to ruin it. You see my father is a scary man. He has been in love with Taehyung ever since I brought him home with me. I couldn't trust him ever since.

   Speaking of Taehyung, I need to speak to him. Maybe he wanted to sit out by the lake and skip some stones. I got up to search for my boyfriend when the thought hit me. We broke up, hanging my head from the sudden wave of sadness and confusion.

   Why did he break up with me?

   Why did I respond the way I did?

   Tugging a hand through my hair I went to the living room of the cabin. "Does anyone know where Taehyung is? I really need to talk to him," I said searching for any answer. Jin looked up at me with furrowed eyebrows.

   "Did he not tell you?" Jin asked obviously confused. "He left this morning. Why didn't he tell you?" Jin's words shocked me. He left, was it because we broke up. Thousands of thoughts ran through my head until it stopped on a few memories.

   I've been pushing him away. Denying his wants to sleep with me. Telling him off for being himself. Ignoring him. He broke up with me because of my idiot self. "Oh no!" I cried loudly. "This is all my fault!"

   "Hey! Jungkook calm down. Nothing is your fault," Namjoon said sitting up. My eyes wavered over all the members. I shook my head, did they not see what I've been doing?

   "No it is. We broke up because of how stupid I was. I've been pushing him away this whole trip. I yelled at him, I never yell at him. What am I going to do? He's not going to respond to me. He has no one to protect him," I panicked pacing the room.

   "Dude! Taehyung will be fine, he's not a baby," Yoongi said obviously irritated. I stopped in my tracks. No one knew, I haven't told anyone about my dad. They all just thought he was a charming single man that was successful.

  "That's not it! I have no idea how to explain this but my dad is I love with Taehyung." The boys didn't seem to understand what I was going on about. "Okay, I know it's hard to believe but it's true and I can't have anything bad happen to Taehyung. I love him guys, like a lot."

"Take the car, I'll call Taehyung's mother and sister to notify them what's going on. Just be safe, okay?" Jin stood in front of me placing the keys into my hand. Nodding quickly I hugged Jin quickly before running out of the cabin.

-JooWon's P.O.V-
(Taehyung's Sister)

A towel wrapped around my body as I walked into my room to find my phone vibrating on my bed. Turning the screen up I looked in confusion. Jungkook barely calls me. Shaking my head I answered the phone putting it to my ear. "Jungkook? Why are you calling?"

"Is Taehyung home yet?" I was surprised at the loud and panicked voice. For a moment I hadn't spoken. "JooWon! This is serious!" I've never heard Jungkook yell, oh well except that one time I came home an hour earlier than I was supposed to but let's not get into that.

"Oh, no he's not. I thought you and the guys were going on a trip? What happened?" I asked sitting down on my bed.

"When Taehyung gets home don't let him leave. He's in danger okay! I'll explain everything later just please take care of him," the line went dead. I was for sure shocked at the moment. Snapping out of the thoughts I was having I dressed quickly and headed down stairs.

Some time later Mom pulled up into the driveway. I ran out yanking open Taehyung's door. He was a crying mess. What happened? Not having time to ask, I was a mess myself, I pulled Taehyung into the house standing at the door. After mom came in I locked the doors and windows.

"Honey What are you doing?" Mom asked me looking at me like I went mad. My eyes wandered towards Taehyung who was sobbing into the throw pillows.

"Jungkook called me a while ago saying that Taehyung's in danger," I said pointing a finger at Taehyung. What shocked me was when Taehyung screamed out, turning into hurried sobs. "What's wrong?"

Mom pulled me into the kitchen. "They broke up. What I heard from Taehyung was that Jungkook wasn't being so nice to him and Taehyung decided to end things," mom said with a saddened smile.

   "What? But they've been together for so long. When Jungkook called he was in a rush and seemed concerned. I thought Jungkook was nicer to Taehyung," I said with a deep frown.

   "Me too, but what did you mean when you said Taehyung was in danger?" Mom asked a fearful look in her eyes.

   "I don't know, Jungkook said that he would explain things later," I said shrugging my shoulders. Mom nodded and shuffled out of the kitchen. My phone was in my pocket when it started vibrating. "Hello?"

   "I'm outside you're house right now, please open up," Jungkook said. Sighing I had a me mental debate with myself. Groaning I decided to let him in. Pulling open the door Jungkook rushed in with a panicked look. "He's okay right?" Jungkook asked wiping his hands on his pants.

"Besides crying over you, yeah he's fine." Jungkook's entire body drooped down like a weight was placed on him. His facial features turned to regret and sadness. "What happened?"

Jungkook just looked at me before heading to the living room. Rolling my eyes I made my way into the living room as well. Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a quivering lips and a heartbroken look. Jungkook seemed to almost melt and fall onto the ground.

   My mother looked on with disapproval as Taehyung crawled over to Jungkook. I gave her a look nodding my head to the kitchen entrance. She huff inability, trudging her way into the kitchen. Glares were sent towards Jungkook before she finally disappeared. Deciding it would be best if I left too, I went to talk to my mom.

-Jungkook's P.O.V-

   I wrapped my arms tightly around Taehyung when he clung onto my neck. "I'm so sorry Taehyung. I don't know why I pushed you away but I regret it so much. My intentions were never to hurt you, I want to show you all the love in that world."

   Taehyung cried against my neck. All I could do was hold him, hoping he would calm down soon. His tears died down and I started to feel sleepy from all the crying. Taehyung's weight felt like it doubled and I knew he was drifting into sleep to.

   "Go to sleep Taehyung, I'll protect you," I whispered into his ear. He shifted just a centimeter and started pulling us to the floor. I knew he was just asleep but it was still the cutest thing he's done. His arms wrapped tightly around me as I laid myself right next to him. Reaching over I pulled down throw pillow. I tried to get two but only succeeded in getting one.

   Taehyung curled into my body dipping his head into my shoulder. Slowly I lifted my head pushing the pillow under. With the sleepy feeling I had I did a half done job before giving up and falling asleep. "I love you Taehyungie."

   "Love you?" A smile creeped onto my lips. His voice was barely there but I knew what I heard. Just hoping that when we wake up Taehyung isn't going to freak out on me.

Hope you liked it!

Laying down that sod took forever. I'm all sore and we still have to put more down soon. Yippee!

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