Heart Beat

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SeokJin's P.O.V

Kim SeokJin is my name. Many people have asked me how could I live in the palace. Everyone is beautiful, even their servants. I myself don't know the answer. But I'm so thankful that I do. If I hadn't been raised in the palace I would have never met Namjoon. I'm in love with Kim Namjoon.

Kim Namjoon, the king of West Galla. He's a handsome man that's for sure. Stunning eyes that filled enemy's with fear, and held over flowing amounts of love. His lips were perfect. Some people say that his lips are like touching the finest silk. His nose fit his structured face so well. His hair was dyed a platinum blonde to show his status. The whole kingdom had begged for his hand in marriage.

Namjoon had held a ball at his eighteenth birthday to find the perfect fit for him. I remember there being so many pretty women and handsome men that came from far and near to try their turn. That day was like the many few days that I could never forget. It was a very memorable day.

You see Namjoon had chosen a male that was very small and petite. He had an amazing body that you would have seen on a girl. Beautiful features that stood out in a crowd. Namjoon had confessed his love the night of the ball. Namjoon wanted to spend his entire life with the boy.

Oh how I wish it was me. I live everyday with a shattered heart that hadn't fixed itself. Their weeding day was painful. The days their five children were born hurt. The days that the sounds of love and pleasure filled the hallways felt like a stab in my heart. I'm just a servant boy who follows the orders of people above me.

There have been days where I've questioned why  I still here? If the man that I am in love with will never notice me than what more do I have to live for? I'm a servant boy that has no future. I'm uneducated, poor, and I will never be able to leave this palace.

"Stop daydreaming and get back to work!" Startled out of my daydreaming by the butler. I quickly started on my task at hand. The current time is 6:00 in the morning. I've been up since 4:30 preparing food, cleaning and preparing the King and Queens clothes. "The queen has requested for you to dress him today."

My heart rate sped up at the mere thought. I bowed quickly and made my way to the King and Queen's room. I knocked softly, resting my hands on the door knob I opened it to find the Queen brushing through his hair. Swallowing hard I came to his side bowing my head. I stood patiently, not making eye contact as I waited for the Queen to finish.

"You know, I requested you for a reason," I straightened my back following the Queen with my eyes as he stood in front of the full body mirror. I followed suite folding the clothes I prepared this morning for him. "I wanted to give you a warning. You aren't a very good actor, that is clear. But you want to know what else is clear?" He gave me a sickly sweet smile before his face turned sour. "Your crush for my husband. Don't think I haven't noticed. It makes me sick that a low life like you could ever think of even having a sexual relationship with someone of such status. Namjoon loves me, we have five children which should make things even clearer. If I see you around my husband wether it be out of duty or want, I will have you hung."

The fear in my eyes was evident but I hadn't looked up to show it. I busted myself with dressing him as he spoke. But I wasn't able to finish at the pain I felt in my chest. Stepping back from him I bowed deeply. "Yes your highness," I said clearly. I was given a smug look.

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