Surfs Up

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It's a long one, just a warning!

-Jungkook's P.O.V-

"Oh Jungkook, look at you!" My auntie came running. I hadn't seen her since I was a little boy. Time had gone by so fast, she's aged throughout the years I was gone. "You're all grown up," she cried hugging me to her chest. I chuckled at her antics and hopped into her car.

"So how's life like here?" I questioned watching the beautiful sea side pass by. The ocean was littered with surfers and families on the beach. "I haven't seen you in years and frantically work got in the way. Oh it's so good to be here," I whispered looking out at the Australia sunrise.

"I'm glad you're back, work must be very stressful," Auntie gave me a knowing look. "After the news of Grandma passing I was hoping to get a flight back to Korean for the funeral. I'm sorry I couldn't come, on of my employees fell ill and he's my only worker. The store couldn't run itself so I was stuck here."

"Don't be sorry, Grandma know you love her." I felt bad that Auntie had mouth by herself while the rest of the family was back in Korea able to comfort one another. She wasn't even married or in a relationship from what I knew which made it all the more worrying. "How did you get by?" I questioned.

Auntie looked over at me with a smile on her face. "What am I a depressed teen to you? I'm fine son no need to worry about me. I'll be just fine." I chuckled at her comment, I've missed her so much. How am I supposed to tell her the news? Turning my head back to the window I watched as quaint beach house came into view. "We're here."

The car stopped and Auntie hopped out. The place was gorgeous. With the ocean view in the background and the soft sand on the ground, it was almost like paradise. Grabbing my bags I wheeled them into the house. It felt homey, just like I remember it. "Where am I going to stay?" I questioned.

"I tidied up your old room, I hope you like it," she smiled taking me to the door that I remember so much. "I'll leave you to it, there will be guests coming over soon. Just a heads up," she said before shutting the door behind her. I sat myself down on the bed, memories flood my mind.


"Mommy look!" I called. In my hands was a starfish. The poor think was on the shelf in my room and I didn't want it to die. Running out of my room I found Mommy and Auntie talking in the kitchen. "Mommy! Hurry the starfish is going to die if we don't put him back in the sea!" I pout up at my mother holding the starfish in my hands.

Auntie and Mommy started laughing, "oh dear, this is just a decoration. It isn't real." I felt disappointed, why would someone make a starfish into a decoration. That meant I was holding a dead starfish. Dropping the thin to the floor I ran to the backyard screaming. Out of no where a boy popped out of the bushes. He looked at me with a frown.

"Are you okay?" He asked stepping towards me. I shook my head at the drenched boy. "I know how to cheer you up," he smiled widely and took my hand in his. I felt scared, Mommy always said never to trust strangers. Daddy even said that if someone ever touched me he would personally punish them. I didn't want this boy to get a punishment, I've already gotten one and I don't like them.

It was too late when I went to open my mouth. We had reached the beach and were now sprinting for a huge rock. It looked scary, it could crush me! "Where are we?" I questioned when the boy pulled me into a opening. Inside was little pools of water. I could see little fishes swimming around, and even a starfish in one.

"It's cool huh," he smile grabbing my hand in his as he tugged me along to another pool. I was so caught up in the cute creatures that I hadn't realize the boy smiling at me. "Jungkook, right?" He asked. Raising my head I nodded enthusiastically. "I've alway wanted to try this, you know how on TV adults always kiss. What does it feel like?"

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