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Rylee Jones

James Frey
Bad Boy

Rylee's P.O.V

I woke up at 10:40 from the chaos going on down stairs. Sitting up in bed I wondered what was happening. I made my bed to match the many other beds in the room. I got dressed into a comfortable gray long sleeve with some black sweatpants. Closing the chest that sat at the end of my bed, consisting of all my clothes and shoes, I pulled on the cheap slippers that sat under my bed. I grab my glasses and brush my hair out of my face.

Making my way down the stairs I find all the girls of the orphanage pressed up against a window. Zach, one of the few boys that lived in the orphanage, sat on the couch with pursed lips and a scowl. "What's going on?" I ask averting my eyes between the girls and Zach.

"Some family is moving in next door and there's a 'hot new boy'," Zach said mockingly. I chuckle and smile widely my dimples showing. I walked over to the window to try and get a good look at the neighbor boy. With no luck I couldn't see past all the girls.

In the orphanage there are nine girls and five boys. The oldest of the girls is Lucy, she's 19. Although she is old enough to leave the orphanage she stayed behind to help out with the little kids. Then you have Kaylee, she is fifteen and usually helps with the cleaning. Jayden is a thirteen year old shy girl that helps with cooking, she is one of the best cooks in the house. Jackie is 10 years old, she is quite hyper and very optimistic. Haylee is nine years old and is just as shy as Jayden. She usually sticks to Lucy. Gale is a sweet 6 year old that brings joy to the family. Talia is 5 years old and is a fantastic dancer. Amber is 3 years old and I'm in charge of her. Annabelle is the baby. She just a year and 5 months old, Amber's sister, also my responsibility.

Then you have the boys. Tanner is the oldest being 20. He stayed around because him and Lucy fell in love. Next would be me, I'm 15 and take care of the little ones. Henry is thirteen and is a little brat. Marcus and Jordan are twins, 8 years old and the trouble makers, they listen to everything Henry tells them.

"Rylee Jones! I need you to look after Amber and Annabelle. I have to run some errands. Make sure that all the kids are ready and dressed for school. Also don't forget to walk the dog outside, he hasn't gone to the bathroom since last night," Mrs. Taylor said. She had brought me out of my daze. She was always like this. She is very strict but love each and every child just the same. I nod my head understanding each order she gave me.

"Come on boys and girls, go brush your teeth and hair. I'll get your uniforms ready," I shouted shooing all the kids up the stairs. Kaylee and Jayden were the slowest. "Come on girls, there is plenty of time for you to ogle over the neighbor boy later, right now you need to get to school," I said rushing them up the stairs. I first went to the boys' room and pulled out the three little boys' uniform and laid them on the respective beds.

I moved onto the girls' room and brought out their uniforms. Laying them each onto the correct beds. I scurry down the stairs yelling at the kids to hurry up. I picked up little Amber who was jumping on the couch and sat her in a chair that had a stack of books on it for her to see over the table. I grabbed Annabelle from the nursery on the first floor and plopped her into her high chair. Lucy was setting the food out while I grabbed place mats, plates, bowls, cups, and silverware.

"Tanner and I are going out on a date today. It'll just be you and the two little ones," Lucy said cleaning the pans she used to make breakfast. As the kids pulled in, I helped the younger ones get their food.

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