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I'm sorry for not uploading in a while but I went camping this weekend and have been having a hard time in making any stories so I guess this is what you get.

Isn't the picture just adorable. All credits to the artist who made this.

Jeon Jungkook

Kim Taehyung

-Jungkook's P.O.V-

I watched as my friends and his friends argued. If it weren't for the fences and sidewalk in between physical damage would be made. The whole things ridiculous, fighting over soming that happened 1000 years ago. Even the zombies that was forced to do work for the vampires are over that and that happened 100 years ago.

Standing not to far away from the group of werewovles was Kim Taehyung. His body leaned against the brick wall of his school with a deep scowl on his lips. Clad with tight white washed jeans, navy blue see through button up, a black leather jacket over top, and black over the ankle boots. Our eyes met and a mix between a smirk and smile came to his lips.

My cheeks turned red, looking down to hid my embarrasing red face. When I looked back up his eyes were still on me. Raising my hand I waved my fingers, he nodded his head acknowledging me. We shared eye contact for a good minute before I was yanked into the school by my angry friends. Taking one last look at Taehyung before I was stuck in the school.

"What do you think you were doing?" Harely questioned me. She stood taller than me with my other friends behind her, all sending me judging stares. I shrunk back into myself, this isn't good. "You know the rivalry. So why were you making googly eyes with that werewolf?" she spat with a disgusted face.

Hiding my face I had a mental debate. What am I going to tell them. Oh nothing I was just checking out the werewolf that you all hate. That wasn't going to satisfy them, that would only make them mad. But I guess it's better to make them super mad now then keep this lie. Huffing out a held breth I turned my eyes up to make eye contact with all my friends.

"That werewolf that I was looking he," I paused looking at my friends with big puppy eyes. "Taehuyng is my boyfriend," I said softly. Harely seemed furious. Yoongi's face went red and his nostrils flared. Namjoon gave me a disapointed look. Jimin wasn't looking too happy but the pity in his eyes was clear.

"I don't belive this." Harely scoffed loudly. "How? Why?" she asked looking at me with an unclear expression. "You know how we feel about the werewolves, so why would you go out and start dating a werewolf?" I shrunk myself back feeling guilty. Yes it was wrong to keep Taehyung a secret but their attidude towards the werewolves was what stopped me.

"I'm sorry I lied guys but you just said it you don't take a liking towards the werewolves." their exspressions seemed to soften. Harely still held a deep frown. "But I'm not breaking up with him, I love him too much to do that. You guys may not like it but I'm different." I stated trying to raise my voice in authority but severely failing.

"Prove it then," Namjoon spoke up with a little glint in his eyes. The gang nodded their heads. If this was the only way that they would understand that I love Taehyung then so be it. Turning my back to them, I headed for the school doors. My friends following behind me to the werewolf school next door.

When we made it into the school the few students in the hallways growled at us. Pushing open the doors to the back of the school, my eyes serched for Taehyung. Time seemed to stop as my friends and I walked passed. My eyes caught Taehyung's. His eyes went wide and I ran straight into his chest. His arms hesitantly went around my body in a tight embrass.

"Baby what are you doing here?" His deep voice was lowered into a whisper and blew into my ear. Pushing my nose into his chest I took my time. He was obviouly confused, but I feel like I messed up. With all the gasps and yells in the background I knew Taehyung was going to be questioned. "Jungkook, you better tell me what's going on now," he growled into my ear.

Pulling away from I gave him my puppy eyes. "I-I'm sorry," I whimpered. "My friend found out and they wanted proff," I said taking a look at my friends. They weren't looking too happy and the werewolves surrounding us were growling and glaring at me. "Have I gotten you in trouble?" I asked turning back towards my boyfriend.

His heartmelting smile exposed his canines. "That dosen't matter baby, I just wish you wouldn't have done made such a scene. I don't want these other hormornal wolves having ideas." I blushed madly hiding my face into his neck. "You're not in trouble baby boy."

"What is this?" We broke apart standing side by side. The group I reconized as Taehyung's friends were looking at me with judging stares. Taehyung held me close in a protective manner. I looked down at my shoes avoiding the stares from Taehyung's friends and the other werewolves.

"Guys I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Jungkook," Taehyung said proudly. He looked down at me and kissed my head. I blushed from the public display of affection. I could count on my fingers how many times Taehyung and I have gone out in public together. "Jungkook I'd like you to meet my friends; Seokjin, Hoseok, Tony, and Jimin."

The four guys in front of me looked at me with hesitation. A guy with big lips and broad shoulders came up to me with a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you, I hope that we can get over any disagreements." he spoke, holding a hand out for me to snake. Hesitantly putting my hand into his, we shook hands softly. The others didn't give much of a greeting. Saying 'hi' or just a simple nod.

-Taehung's P.O.V-

After school Jungkook wanted to hang out with his and my friends. I had to agree when he gave me those cute puppy eyes. He knew just what got me and uses it to his advantage. Today was quite a susprise and out of the blue, but it relived me that I don't have to hide my relationship with Jungkook from my friends. When Jungkook had left my friends weren't to happy with me but they got over it.

That is how we ended up at a pizzeria. Jungkook and I sat at the endof the table together while our friends sat at seperate sides glaring at each other. We spoke in a whisper hoping our friends would talk amongst themselves. This wasn't work and Jungkook pouted to me about them not getting along. His adorable pout and small soft voice he used just melted me.

"Guys can you please stop glaring at each other and get along?" I asked looking at my friends and Jungkook's friends with a pleading look. Their glares switched to me and Jungkook. None of them looked very happy, maybe this was a bad idea. I heard whimpering and soft sobs next to me. Turning my head I found Jungkook with tears streaming down his face. "Baby what's wrong?"

"I just wish that our friends would get along," he cried falling into my chest. "It would make me so happy to see our friends be nice to each other, It would be a dream come true to hang out with all our friends and have a good time." I chuckled lightly squeezing him into my side, rubbing his side in comfort.

"Aww, Jungkook. If it makes you happy we'll try our best to be friends," Jin spoke looking at Jungkook with a pittied and loving smile. My friends growled at Jin, Jin being Jin snapped at them and told them to behave. Jungkook's friends looked guilty and started up conversations with my friends. Jungkook smiled deviously into my chest.

"Looks like your plan worked," I whispered into his ear. He raised his head looking at me with shocked eyes. Chuckling deeply I grabbed his chin between my fingers and kissed his deeply. "I know just how you work Jungkook. All your tricks, I've come to know you quite well baby boy," I whispered lowly kissing his nose.

Jungkook's cheeks were a bright red and his heart rate picked up. Smiling at my baby before turning the the vampires and werewolves in front of us, I jumped into their conversation about school. Jungkook joined in ever once in a while but was still embarrassed.

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